Thanks: A few more months...

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"Koo, it's been 5 months, when are you gonna wake up? Your mom and dad are so sad seeing you here, unconscious while wires are connected to you" Jimin says as he brushed Jungkook's bangs back.

All Jimin could hear was beeps, the beeps of Jungkook's heart monitor.

The only thing that keep their hopes high because it shows that Jungkook's still alive, and is just sleeping.

"You know, maybe if you didn't meet me, this wouldn't happen... " Jimin says, grabbing Jungkook's hand and kissing it.

"I'm really sorry..." He says, tears falling down his cheeks as Jungkook's hand was near his lips.

"Koo... Please wake up... We miss you... I miss you" He says, gulping and sniffling.

"We really miss you, Kookie, just... Just keep fighting, don't give up...dont leave us..." Jimin says, smiling a little as he kissed Jungkook's forehead.

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