Growing Old Together

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Laxus stood on the porch watching the sunset. At some point over the years, the chaos in his life had finally begun to slow down enough to make moments like this possible. As the town was bathed in a glow of warm orange light, his mind sunk deep into thought, reflecting on his life. At 75 years old, he had quite a bit to look back on.

He couldn't help but cling to the mistakes he had made - admittedly, there were a lot of them. Even decades later, the most glaring one was still the Battle of Fairy Tail. It was a stupid idea that had nearly cost him everything.

From there, his thoughts moved to the Raijinshuu - his found family - who he had almost brought down with him. So many times they had stuck by him, even if he hadn't deserved it. One of them especially.

Laxus was startled out of his reverie by the sound of the door swinging open and footsteps approaching. He turned around to see Freed, exactly the man he had just been thinking of.

"What were you thinking about, Laxus?" Freed inquired, walking over to Laxus.

"Just that... you've really stuck by me this whole time."

"Of course I have. I love you," Freed responded matter-of-factly.

"I love you, too," Laxus replied, leaning in to kiss his husband of 35 years. At least I know I definitely did one thing right, he thought.

The two men stood there together, hands clasped, enjoying each other's company as the sun sunk below the horizon.

A/N: This was for the first bonus day, Fraxus Week Eve. It turned out kind of short but I think that's okay because my goal was just to capture a simple but sweet moment between two people who love each other deeply and have been by each other's side for a very long time.

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