twentythree // We're Switzerland

Start from the beginning

9. Dream

Jet #2:

1. Sage

2. Mads

3. Devin

4. Kylie

5. Travis

6. Stormi

7. Kendall

8. Ben

9. Fai

10. Amber

Jet #3:

1. Kim

2. Ye

3. Psalm

4. Chi

5. Saint

6. North

7. Scott

8. Kourt

9. Reign

10. P

11. Mason

All the other jets were full for Fai to fit in and I honestly didn't mind as long as he knows how to keep his cool and not say anything below the belt and those are one of my prayers for things to go well in this trip. I don't want vacation drama, that shit is annoying and unnecessary. It's a vacation for a reason, no one wants to ruin a perfectly good vacation off some petty drama that for sure everyone will get on. Kendall and Kourt would be team Fai maybe even Ky because they've been long time friends and at the same time is in good terms with Devin but she's most likely Switzerland, neutral, like my mother because Fai is a really good family friend and Devin is her favorite boyfriend I ever had. My dad, Kimmy, Ben, Corey and the god father Scotty. Lovey plays favorites so she's not even included because as long as you suck up to her, you're her favorite. Travis though, he's more closer to Dev, they hang out so maybe Team Devin and obviously Rob goes with Kendall on Team Fai and Ye, he doesn't care about teams he cares about one nation, our nation. 

If it all does go down, a lot of people's feelings would be hurt. Welcome to my family affair!

Mads and I held each others hands as we whispered back and forth about how this 12 hour plane ride with my ex and my boyfriend and a 2 year old child will be interesting and honestly I just hope we're all in each others graces. 

My mom's flight left an hour and a half ago, we were all supposed to leave at that time but Kendall and I had to finish our photoshoot, hers with vogue and mine with Elle. Just a few last finishing touches. Ignore the bags under our eyes, pay attention to the ones we carry. 

Kimmy and Kourt's flight isn't until two hours from now and it's 9:37am right now, it's the whole they have an army to wake up, dress up and feed is what's causing them to fly out later than anyone else and honestly I can't blame them, it must be stressful raising a farm. 

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