Chapter 17: Realization

Começar do início

"Zane, listen to me... I could make you feel good. I know I would make you happy if you just gave us a chance to work." I shook my head, no. I lifted Harper's chin so that she could look me dead in my eyes and know how serious I was.

"NO! I need you to listen... I gave you a chance and you blew it. You have a great boyfriend and he doesn't deserve this." I got up to leave but as an after thought I added one last thing. "And, I think this friendship is basically done." Harper's eyes widened with shock as her brows furrowed together. She reached out to me but I instantly backed away.

"Zane..." She said but again, I shook my head. I watched as she stood up to approach me.
"Is this is about that black girl.. what's her name again? .... If this is about that girl, screw her! She's dating Jared now!" I turned away from Harper and began to walk. Harper called out to me.

"Zane! Please... please consider us. How about we talk when you have time so I can explain myself better." The more Harper chased me, the more I sped up. The only thing that she was succeeding at, was that she was getting me to run away.

"That black bitch is going to regret this! I swear to god." Harper stomped her feet as she spoke mostly to herself out of anger. Except, I heard her loud and clear and her words didn't sit well with me. In fact, her words further justified why I was done with her friendship.

I glanced back one final time and gave Harper a disappointed look before turning around and heading towards the library to meet Mia. If I didn't realize how toxic Harper was before this, now I completely understood why I needed to stay away from the woman.


(1 hour later)

Setting: School Library

Mia's POV 💛💛💛💛💛

"Okay Zane, so let me recap

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"Okay Zane, so let me recap. For our semester project we will work with students from a local inner city school?" I looked up at Zane to confirm what we'd decided on earlier and he nodded his head in agreement. I continued.

"Alight, we can probably come up with some sort of creative piece that we can work with them on.... um, like maybe a play? What do you think?" He looked to be thinking for a moment as he knitted his brows together.

"Hmm, a play sounds good but what kind? We'd be working with elementary aged kids right?" I nodded my confirmation. "Alright, so how about putting together something like... the LION KING?" I smiled at his suggestion because that was a perfect suggestion. Especially since it was one of my all time favorite movies.

"Perfect Zane! Team work makes the dream work." I stated while writing up our Plan of Action that we needed to send to our professor by the end of today.

Professor Gordon required us to come up with a service based activity that benefited our community in a positive capacity. So Zane and I decided that working with students would probably be a great way to meet that requirement while giving them a creative outlet.

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