The right now in crazy town

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(This was written in June, not sure why it wasn't published, oh well.) 

Okay. So. The turd has not just hit the fan, whale turd hit a jet airplane engine these past few months. 

For one, people are incredibly selfish. Like, wear a mask. I don't want my grandma to die because I got Covid from your stupid self. (She has asthma, tons of health issues and is old. It will most likely kill her. Don't kill my grandma. Do you really want that on your conscious?)  You don't know people's situations so just be cautious and protect everyone. Please. Something simple and small could do so much good. I know you have rights, we all have the same rights here (in theory) so please just be kind. 

Second, we need change. With a lot of things, but I'll start with the elephant in the room. Black lives matter. It's a fact. We have not been fair to our fellow Americans. We need to clean up our act. Yeah, I know it won't be over night. Nothing is. Socital changes take a long time. Laws and justice take a long time to dish out (There's a reason why we hire lawyers and other smart people to do all the paper work). But if we start today, start now, we can impact the future for a better tomorrow (well, better years ahead, but same message) Treat everyone equally. We are all people. Connected in one way or another, all with goals to live and grow and have fun. Why do you hate? If you have to hate anything, why hate the people sitting next to you? There's plenty in history to hate. Hate the ancient europeans that tortured cats for fun instead of your neighbor who just wants to buy a frozen pizza. I don;t know, that's strange, and this is late, so it's a ramble now. Appologies for that. 

But also, here's the issue that's always bugging me. Like, our world is dying. We're about to put it into a loop it won't be able to recover from. You know about those fires in the artic? Well, I'll tell you about them. Underneath this "forever frozen ice" aka permafrost, is a lot of carbon/biomass stuff. However, this frozen ground isn't frozen anymore because of the high temperatures. This create fire, which melts some ice. Then that carbon under the ground? It's relased/burt, heating the planet further, causing more ice to melt which causes the planet to warm further.... anyways you get the point. Well guess what folks, this cycle has started. But it's slow. So no one's going to do anything about it because it currently isn't taking lives. 

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