The beginning (Life)

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So life. It's you, it's me, it's what allowed everything in the world to be here. Except rocks, but don't count those.  Just think about the chances of life occurring. Of advancing this much?

We just so happened to be on the right planet- out of the gazillions out there- with the accidental creation of that one cell that started it all. It multiplied. It advanced. It came out of water and onto land. It grew legs and evolved to walking upright. This part took billions (?) of years. Then came humans. So many different paths could have happened, not just the big ones like a loss of world war 2, but what if you parents hadn't met? And the possibilities of you being you? And still here living to read this? Its mind blowing when you think about it. (I know i just blew my own mind) 

Here we are, advancing like no tomorrow, but that's probably why. Eventually there won't be a tomorrow. Now that's going to happen -sorry guys, even the earth will stop spinning eventually- the question is when. At the rate I've seen us care for the Earth, humans won't be here for that much longer. Humans have been a tiny little blip in existence.  

Do you guys see that tiny tiny little blip? If you put a pen dot on your finger, that's us humans

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Do you guys see that tiny tiny little blip? If you put a pen dot on your finger, that's us humans. That's all we are ever going to be if we don't get our act together. 

It's not a single issue, it's a life issue. 

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