11:59 in Sydney

142 2 3

"FIVE!" The crowd screamed. Time seemed to slow down, the excited faces of strangers blurring between each other. "FOUR!" Tyler looked up at Troye, his delicate hands clasped together under his chin while he watched the giant screen count down. "THREE!" He enchanted Tyler, the world was encompassing Troye's body perfectly. Tyler's entire world was spinning around him, the universe was riding on this moment. "TWO!" He couldn't believe this stupid twink that drank too much apple juice has got his stomach in knots like this. "ONE!" Oh shit, this was it. Time went into a hyperlapse, fast forwarding to the crowd screaming "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" The sky erupted in color and noise, practically shaking the ground. Wait, was the ground actually shaking, or was it just him? Oh god, here it goes. "Troye!" Tyler shouted over the crowd, tugging at his sleeve. "What??" Troye looked down for a brief moment, and then pointing up he screamed "Look at the fireworks!" "Troye!!" Tyler grabbed his arm. "Wait, what?" Troye asked, confused. "It's New Years. You're my date. Let's kiss." Tyler said this confidently, but Troye could tell he was nervous. He'd been practically tripping over his own two feet all night, and at the moment was balancing precariously on his left foot. "But, Tilly, the fireworks!" Troye grabbed his arm and pointed to the sky with it. Tyler yanked his arm back. "Troye are you kidding me?" "Yes, I'm kidding you. Come here." Troye bent down and Tyler pointed his toes. Their lips pressed together and the Tyler finally understood what everyone else was so excited about. They folded into each other, and letting Troye in their tongues danced like the confetti. in the air. In moments that seemed like hours, Troye pulled away and whispered "Happy New Years Ty." Tyler smiled, and whispered back, "Happy New Years, Troye." 3016 was going to be a good year, Tyler could feel it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2015 ⏰

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