Chapter 16: The End of Ladies Night

Start from the beginning

Once we reached the elevators and began to wait for them to open, I tried to shift my mind from my negative thinking. From what I could tell, Rebecca seemed to have an unusual obsession with me and I doubted she would do something harmful towards me. Or at least I hoped that was the case. I tossed the thought around in my mind until the elevator doors opened and we both stepped inside. 

Alicia pressed the 3rd floor button which took only moments for us to go up a few levels. Once the elevator came to a stop, my nerves were so on edge that I jumped ever so slightly at the sound of the elevator dinging to indicate that we'd arrived at on our level. We waited for the doors to open. And once they did, they slowly revealed a grinning Rebecca staring directly at us. Seeing her kicked in my adrenaline which caused my heart to speed up. I instantly narrowed my eyes and watched her suspiciously.

"Ahh perfect, you guys are right on time. Please come quickly because they should be here soon..." I had so many questions. Who the hell was they? Rebecca sounded so suspicious to me I didn't know if I wanted to follow her. She noticed my hesitation and glanced back at us with a pleasant smile pasted onto her face. I slowly shifted my eyes towards Alicia with a puzzled look on my face. Alicia looked just as confused as I was and so I knew she was just as lost as me. I gulped hard before speaking.

"Rebecca, your scaring us... Why did you send pictures of us eating? Who does that?" I could only imagine how bewildered my face probably looked to her. The smile on Rebecca's face faltered as she stared at me. Her once pleasant smile now shifted into concern.

"Oh my God Mia, that was never my intention. I just wanted to show you what was going on with Joshua..." Rebecca stared at me with pleading eyes. She then lowered her voice into a soft tone. "I- I admit my delivery was off but, you don't have to worry about that." I was convinced that the girl was missing screws in her head; she obviously didn't know how to read the room.

I watched Rebecca for a few more seconds before looking towards Alicia once again. Alicia shrugged her shoulders and I took that as her answer that maybe we should give her the benefit of the doubt. I finally took a step forward to get off the elevator and follow the lunatic to my death. By the pep in her step, I could tell that Rebecca was happy to know that I was taking a chance to trust her right now. Lord knows, I was going against my better judgement.

"Alright ladies, follow me." She smiled again before turning around and walking through the dark parking garage. After less than a minute of walking, we came upon a dark sedan that was backed into a parking space with it's front faced outwards. I'd never seen this vehicle before and I wondered where she'd got it from. Rebecca turned back around and looked at both of us as she spoke.

"Get in the car and I'll explain."She stated vaguely which prompted Alicia and I to look at each other once again. We both knew this didn't make sense but we both let out a heavy breath before doing as Rebecca asked.

"Alright, we're in. What's up?" I asked while Rebecca started the car.

"Just watch..." She didn't say anything else as we waited for a few minutes in silence.

After some time, we all saw a dark figure that looked just like Harper exit the elevator. The woman was alone and fidgeted in her purse for a few seconds before finding her keys and pulling them out. She then beeped her key fob which activated the unlock mechanism for a car off in the distance. We then watched Rebecca begin to walk through the garage.

At the same time, Rebecca started up her vehicle and began to rev the engine. She pulled out from the parking spot and began to drive slowly. As we drove, Rebecca gradually sped up the vehicle. At some point, she revved the engine so hard that I started to freak out.

"Uh, Rebecca... slow the fuck down. People could be walk-..." Before I could even finish my sentence, Rebecca pushed the pedal to the metal and the engine roared to life. My head flung back as the car zoomed forward. One second the path was clear and then in the next second, the headlights of the car showed the outline of a figure off in the distance. As we approached faster, I realized that the person was Harper and she was now right in front of the vehicle. I screamed out in a panic as Rebecca sped directly towards Harper with absolutely no intention of stopping. On the other hand, Harper eventually saw the car coming and froze like a dear in headlights with her mouth agape and her eyes wide.

"Rebecca stop! What the fuck are you doing?" I cried out in a panicked scream. I just knew we were about to hit Harper and kill this girl. Rebecca obviously didn't give a shit about any of the pleading I was yelling about because instead of stopping, she ignored my frantic pleas. Finally, as we got within a few feet of Harper, Rebecca wound her window down and swerved at the absolute very last minute to barely miss killing the girl. She then yelled out the window in a very masculine deep voice that I'd never heard before.

"Leave Joshua ALONE BITCH!" With that being said, Rebecca sped off down the ramp.

I didn't even realize that I'd been holding my breath the entire time until I began gasping for air. My blood was pounding through my ears as my heart raced rapidly in my chest. We drove in silence until Rebecca pulled up next to my car that was located in a different parking lot on the other side of the shopping center. We're not even going to discuss how she knew where my vehicle was. Both Alicia and I were frozen in place as we tried to compose ourselves. I eventually found some of my voice.

"You're crazy." I whispered to Rebecca as she looked back at me.

"What?" She asked and I repeated myself.

"You're fucking crazy Rebecca..." I restated my earlier sentiment. I peered over to Alicia to make sure she was okay but she looked so scared that she was still at a loss for words. I undid my seat belt and reached for the door handle but stopped when Rebecca's voice broke the silence.

"I think you have it all wrong big sis. I just want to help you." I shook my head because the woman was delusional.

"You tried to help me by nearly killing someone? If that's the case I don't need your goddamn help Rebecca!" I was angry now. What if Harper was able to identify us as trying to run her over. I didn't want any parts of this mess. This woman was driving me crazy and I was entirely over it. We were all silent in the vehicle for a few seconds before Rebecca spoke again.

"I'm sorry. I- I just..." She didn't finish her sentence and I was ready to exit the vehicle without listening to what she had to say. "I just want you to like me." She finally stated and I frowned.

"You know what would make me happy?" I asked as Rebecca's face lit up with hope.

"What big sis?" She asked eagerly and I could feel the bile rising in my throat at the sound of her calling me her sister. She was anything BUT a sister to me.

"I would be happy if you'd leave me the fuck alone from now on!" I stared at Rebecca long and hard until I was sure she understood that I meant every word of what I'd just stated. After that, I broke the stare and looked at Alicia.

"Let's go Alicia." I said as I exited the vehicle.

There was no way in hell that I could last an entire year living with this woman. She was a liability that I wasn't ready to deal with.


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