Green Dresses and Apologies

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"What are you think we should do?" Simon asked. I thought long and hard. I wanted to give Lupe a taste of her own medicine but I knew what I was doing was mean. But didn't she deserve it? "I think I have an idea!" Zoe said. I made a face. "Zoe what are you going to do?" I ask her. She smirks and then runs out of the house. We then all run after to her and see that she landed in the van. Simon got in the van along with J. Alvaro was the only person who had a drivers license out of all of us. I turned to him and made a face. "Please Alvaro! We really need to go and Ramiro is probably still asleep!" I exclaim. He looks like he was processing the thought. "Fine, but they all owe me!" he says and hops into the drivers seat. I roll my eyes playfully and hope in the van with everyone else. Then we start to move. Zoe and Simon then develop a conversation about costumes causing J to talk to me. " Mia look, I'm really sorry. I've been acting like a jerk lately. Honestly to everyone. I guess I was just upset still about you and Alvaro. But I'm still really sorry. You did not deserve any of that!" he says. I thought. He was acting like a jerk now that I realize it. But now that I think back to the times that I used to have with him I smiled. J was a good guy. He just got overwelmed. "Yeah, I forgive you." I say. He then smiles and hugs me. And life always I feel comforted by everyone's hug as well as his. Then whiplash hit me which caused me to gasp. What was happening? I look out the window and we were at Saint Mary. I opened the door and we all toppled out including Alvaro. "Alvaro please learn how to drive!" I say playfully. He acts offended and then smiles. We then all topple in the school and rush to Go! where everyone already is. We all say hello and sit down. "Where were you guys?" Olivia asked. J looked at all of us before he exclaimed, "Just woke up late!" he said. Olivia nodded her head and explained many things. We then went over dances and songs and lyrics but then we sat back down and listened to her explaining the new moves. I didn't really pay attention though because Zoe was motioning signs to me that I didn't know what they meant. It wasn't sign language though. She then made a sign that said follow and then did this. "Can I go to the bathroom Olivia?" she asked. Olivia nodded and continued. I thought. Followed. Oh, followed. "Can I go too?" I ask Olivia and she nods. I then follow Zoe right out and finally catch up with her. "Zoe what are you doing?" I ask her. She then yanks my hand to the stoarge closet and grabs a bucket of green paint and a paintbrush. "Zoe why do you need that paint?" I ask her. She then smirks. "Well you see, you wanted to get revenge on Lupe so why not ruin one of her dresses." she says. "No, Zoe. I can't do that!" I say. She does a sad pout. "But I can do it!" she says. I then think. Lupe deserved what we were about to do. She had to be stopped. I just didn't like the idea of me doing it. I then finally gave up. "Fine let's go!" I say. She then squealed and yanked my hand up to the dorms. She then grabbed a pick lock from her pocket and twisted the door. She then opened the door and went straight for Lupe's closet. She then splattered the green paint all over all of Lupe's clothes and didn't even use the brush. I gasped very loud. And Zoe giggled and then went on the balcony and threw the brush and bucket off the balcony and then we ran out the room. "I can't believe we just did that!" I say. Then we turn around to the smell of perfume. It was Lupe.

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