Telling Zoe

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"Lu," Alvaro said standing up. 

"How long have you been there," Alvaro said.

 "Enough to film every single thing you said," she said smirking. 

"I always thought you guys were together," she said starting to slowly walk into the room. 

"You didn't socialize just texting. I doubted it at first but, now I know," she says holding up the phone.

 "Lu, if you send that to anyone-" 

 "All I want to know is why you kept it a secret," she said.

 "I didn't want Juanma to know, I was protecting him," I say. Lupe laughs and walks away. I sigh. 

"What if she sends that video to someone," I say.

 "She won't. And if she does I won't allow it," he says searching in my eyes. I promised myself for my new years' resolution that I would change. If I didn't make that resolution I would break up with him and think a little more. But I was a different person now. I looked into his eyes, right in the middle of them. I love Alvaro and I knew he thought that I wanted to break up with him but I didn't. "I never want to leave you, Alvaro," I say. Then Ramiro comes in.

 "What are you guys doing," he asked. 

"Just talking about school," Alvaro says.

 "Get to bed guys," he says. We nod and then he leaves. 

"See you in the morning," he says kissing my cheek and leaving. I smile and went up to my room. I unlock the door and close it behind me.

 "Where were you," Zoe says turning a lamp on. I couldn't lie to Zoe anymore.

 "Zoe you promise you won't tell anyone about this," I say. 

"Yeah, sure," she says sitting up in her bed. I fill her in on everything that happened. 

"Please don't tell anyone," I say. 

"Your secret safe with me my friend," she says. Then she turns the light off and we both go to sleep. 

Go Live Your Way Season 3 *SLOWLY UPDATING*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora