Costumes And Practice

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           I go up to my dorm. I go inside and close the door behind me. Zoe was at her desk drawing. "Hey Zoe, are you ready for your costumes." I say sitting down next to her. "Yeah! So we won last time because of all of the colors put into the outfit. So I as thinking this!" she says pointing to the designs. They were dresses and pants with silver and white all over them. "I love it! It really suits the song! What about the duet? What do you have planned for that." I ask. "Well, you and Lupe are oppisites and the song has a very tropical theme to it so I though Lupe could wear black and white and you could wear white and pink. Ta Da!!" she said pointing to the other paper. My outfit was a pink swimsuit and with white shorts. Lupe was black shorts black top and a clear romper to go over it. "I love it Zoe! It's very creative! But how are you supposed to make all of these into clothes." I say. Zoe gets up and goes into her closet and pulls out all the clothes she showed me. "Here they are!" she says. "Wow, Zoe you did a great job. What are the male group gonna wear?" I ask. "Random suits." she said. We both laugh. "Ok let's practice the dance." I say. She nods. We turn the group dance music on and dance and sing. Then I check the time. "It's 12 Zoe we should go to sleep!" I say turning the music off. " Oh jeez. Thanks for helping me Mia!" Zoe said. "Oh no problem!" I say. Zoe had her pajamas already on so she went to bed. I got into the shower. Once I was done I put my pajamas on and caem out the bathroom. Alavro was sitting on my bed. "Hey!" I say. "Jsut wanting to say goodnight!" he says. He stands up and kisses me until he needs to breate. "I love you!" I say. "I love you so much more!" he says kissing me on the cheek and leaving. I climbed into bed and went to sleep of the thought of Alvaro.

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