Taking Her Home

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       She opened the door and their was my mom who I thought was dead drinking a glass of water. 

We all started to tear up. I raced over and gave her a big hug. 

"Oh Mia, I missed you so much my sweetheart." she said over her sobs. 

Ramiro came over to hug her too. Then she noticed everyone else. "Oh these are my friends! That's Zoe and that's Simon their my best friends. That's J he's a friend and that's Alvaro he's my boyfriend." I say. J catches me Blushing at him. "Oh wow! We should take them home with us so they can spend the night. Where's Isabel?" she asked. "She left to Madrid. I can definitely call her and tell her to come." Ramiro says. "Oh yes! Ramiro may we get married?" My mom asked. "Of course we can!" he said kissing her forehead. He went outside to talk to Isabel. "Oh Mia, we have lots to talk about my love! Your friends too. They seem so friendly!" she says. "They are! They helped me threw many things." I say. Alvaro came over and shook my mom's hand. "Mia has talked about you almost every day so I know a lot about you already." he says. "Oh my goodness! Alvaro is a gentlemen." my mom says. Alvaro puts his arm around me. I lean on his shoulder. Zoe and Simon come up. "Your favorite colors blue right!" Zoe said. "Oh dear, how did you know." my mom says. Simon points to me. My mom laughs. "Oh Mia, your friends are lovely!!" my mom says. The only one left to speak to my mom was J but he ignored her and stared across the room at the steady heart beat temperature. Then Ramiro came back into the room. "Good news Isabel is flying in today!  She said she should be here by late tonight!" Ramiro said. Then the doctor came back into the room. 

"Ok Marianna is good to go I just need to speak to you outside and for you to sign some paper work now that she's out of the hospital." the doctor said. Ramiro and the doctor then went outside to talk closing the door behind them. My mom then developed a conversation with Alvaro, Zoe and Simon. I sat up out of the chair and went over to J. "Hey why didn't you say hello?" I ask him. He says nothing at first. "Can we talk outside?" he asked. I look at him with a look like no I'm not kissing you! "No, Mia I just want to talk." he said. "Ok." I say. I open the door and we go out closing it behind us. we see Ramiro and the doctor talking down the end of the hallway. "Why didn't you tell Alvaro we were meeting?" he asked. "Well if me and Zoe were meeting then I wouldn't tell him. and Zoe is my friend just like you." I say. "Ok, well I just got a text from Lupe saying where are you? And I texted back in my dorm. And then she said ok well my mom and I are singing by Mia's house to just mess with her a little.  Want to come. And I said no." he said. "Ok, why is that so important?" I say. "Because your mom's gonna be there." he says. "Oh don't worry! Try to convince them to come later in the night like when she's sleeping." I say. "I'll try." he says. Then we both go back into the room. I join the conversation with everyone. Then the doctor comes inside. "Hello so Ramiro has gone to collect your things, Marianna and on your prescription it said you have no home so you will be moving in with Ramiro. So he's getting your bags but since your leaving we need you to take a bath and get dressed so please stand up and follow me into the shower rooms. And also the rest of you Ramiro will be back in a moment once we are finish sprucing up Marianna I will come and tell you guys that it is time to go." the doctor said. We nodded our heads while Marianna got out of bed and followed the doctor out the room. Once they left there were only 3 chairs in the room so J sat alone texting Lupe and, Zoe and Simon squeezed into the biggest chair talking about who knows what, and I sat on Álvaro's lap. "I can't wait to know your mom more tonight!" Alvaro said. "Oh Alvaro, you will love her! She gets along very well with almost everyone." I say. "If we're spending  the night at your house again we need to pack." he said. "Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I'll ask Ramiro and see if you can go to Saint Mary and pack." I say. "Or I guess I'll sleep topless!" Álvaro said. "You crazy!" I say. He kisses my forehead and pulls me closer to him. Then Ramiro comes in the room with 6 huge suitcases. "Oh god, Marianna packed intensely!" Ramiro said. We all laugh and talk together for a while. Then the doctor comes in with Marianna." She's ready to go!" the doctor says. We all stand up and follow the doctor out of the room and down to the front of the hospital. Ramiro opens the van door leading to the back. Alvaro and I sit in the back and Zoe, Simon, and J sit on the sides. Ramiro puts the suitcases inside and then Marianna gets inside next to the door. The doctor shuts the door then Ramiro gets in the front seat and starts to drive away. "So tell me a little bit about yourselves. I would love to get to know all of you more." Marianna said. Then she started up a conversation with Alvaro, Zoe, and Simon while J texted on his cell phone. I looked out the window at the view of the city. If you think about I've only been here for two years and the only places that I have been at was Saint Mary, The River, my house, and the hospital. I stared at all the tall buildings with tons of windows in them. I thought about Saint Mary. People who didn't attend there must have thought that it was the hospital since it was so big. Then I remembered to text Ramiro to let my friends pack. Can we go to Saint Mary real quick to let my friends pack. I send it. He responds, oh, ok sure! Then we make a sharp U-turn. Once we arrive at Saint Mary everyone looks confused so I help them out a little. "Guys you can't spend the night without any clothes. So we stopped by!" I say. "Ohhh!" encored the room. Alvaro, J, Zoe and Simon got out the car and went into the school. "What's Saint Mary?" my mom asked. "Oh Saint Mary is a school that Ramiro owns! I and all my friends attend there. It's a boarding school though but, you are allowed to live off campus." I say. "Oh! Well I never thought Ramiro would own a boarding school!" my mom says. We wait 10 minutes for the other people to come back. Ramiro gets out the car and puts the suitcases in the trunk while J, Alvaro, Zoe and Simon get back inside. Ramiro gets back in and continues to drive. 

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