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"Are you okay now?" Felix rubs my back as we sit on the pool house that's outside the house. "I'm sorry he just looks like a guy that I used to know. I'm okay now, really." The look of concern grows on his face. "I'm going to guess that it's not a pleasant memory because you're still a little tense. Are you sure you're alright love? We can get a new realtor if you'd like." I smile softly, grateful for his concern. "I'm sure, let's finish looking at the house."


We enter our hotel room slightly exhausted from the long day we've had. We both sit on the couch and I lay my legs across his lap. "Love I have a question and if it bothers you too much then I won't press it, but who did the realtor look like?" I sigh thinking about the somewhat painful memory. "Well you should know since we're engaged. Back when I 17 almost 18 I was having a hard time with my depression and I was pretty much a loner in school. One day I made friends with this guy who had the same problems and we became best friends. He and I got really close and I started liking him but it was one sided. He had this girlfriend who you know was popular and was basically just using him for the votes to get to be student council president and when it came to prom she dumped him in front of everyone..."

"I didn't go to prom because I didn't have a date but I wish I did. He was driving over to my house and got into car crash with this drunk driver. He was pinned inside the car when it burst into flames...the last thing he said to me when he called me was that he wished he gave me a chance because then his heart wouldn't be broken. I know it's not my fault that he's gone but it feels like it because he was on his way to my house. After that my depression and anxiety got worse and I almost killed myself that year...sorry, it was probably a lot to hear huh?" I wipe my eyes and he pulls me closer and hugs me.

"Thank you for feeling comfortable telling me that story, I understand your story much better now and I'm glad you're still here. Not to poke further but when's the anniversary?" I sniffle snuggling closer to him. "It's next month on the 13th. It was just weird seeing someone that looked so much like him...we don't have to change realtors, I think I got over my initial shock. If you really want to live here then we can." He kisses my forehead squeezing me harder. "Oh love, we don't have to live here. We can live anywhere in the world and I'd be happy because you're with me. I'd just be close to my family here, but whenever you want to be. If Seoul is where you're comfortable then so be it."

"I think I'll like it here, I think it's a nice place to settle down. Although we'd have to have a place in Seoul while we're working." He chuckles and lifts my chin up before planting a kiss on my lips. "You're the best you know that?" I giggle and return the kiss. "I've been told."


"You're back!" Jisung runs and hugs me as we enter the dorm. "Aww i didn't know you'd miss me that much, I missed you too little brother." He roles his eyes. "It's been 2 weeks, of course I missed you. We're much more closer than we used to be, I'm glad you're living in Seoul now. Pluto is out with Jeongin, they should be back soon." Felix greets Jisung as he carries his bags to his room. "So how was meeting the in laws? Did you enjoy Australia?" "They were lovely, and so was Australia ...except when I almost had a heart attack when Felix showed me this...spider. I think I fainted and his mom beat him with a broom."

Jisung laughs and we take a seat on the couch. "Are you free tomorrow? I wanted to take you out and spend some sibling time together." I try to hide the shock on my face but my emotions are always on display. "This is new, alright sure. What time exactly? I'd like to sleep in, I'm slightly jet lagged." "Well we spent years not together and I actually regret not being the brother I should've been when we were younger. I let you get bullied in school and I didn't defend you. You're my only sister, I should've always protected you and I can't apologize enough for my terrible past behavior!" My face softens and I pull a teary-eyed Jisung into a hug.

"Jisung it's okay, I never looked at you any differently. You're my brother, I love you and I always will. If you want forgiveness, you already have it." He returns my hug and I realize he's really crying. "How can you forgive me that easily?" I rub his back and Felix walks in and raises an eyebrow. "Jisung it's all in the past and as far as I'm concerned, ever since I've moved here you've been so helpful and supportive. Our relationship is fine, don't beat yourself up about it."


"You know usually I go on picnics with Felix but this is nice. I think Pluto is really enjoying me being back home." Pluto is snuggled up on my side while I'm eating the packed lunch. "He actually made this bento box...and the brownies." I snicker a little bit. "Ahhh I know, my brownie boy makes the best brownies. It looks like he made this bento box, it's really cutely put together." "Do you remember how when you first moved here and I didn't let you near Minho?" I nod sipping my milkis. "How could I forget? I'd been here for months and I hadn't seen him once."

"Hehe well the funny thing about that is Khi told me that you were obsessed with Lee Minho and that you wanted to marry him..." "You didn't know he was to Lee Minho the actor huh?" We both share a laugh. "No I swear I didn't! That's why I was so concerned about you hanging out with him, oh wow I should've been more concerned about Hyunjin, Chan, and Felix." I nod holding my stomach. "If it wasn't for Felix I might've ended up with Chan or Hyunjin. That sounds so weird...but yeah it's true."

"I can see Chan more so, Hyunjin is too clingy for you. Felix is the best though, I'm glad he's going to marry you. By the way...can I feature on your next album?" "Sure, there's actually a few tracks you can hop on. I'm working on a fire and ice theme so I can have white hair again." He burst out laughing. "You must really like white hair, it looks really good on you. Although this orange is nice too."

"Thank you...Felix and I bought a house in Sydney, we're moving in after we get married. Having fun with you like this makes me want to stay here..." Jisung looks at me and smiles softly. "Mina...don't stay here for me, go and live your life. Besides, it's not like you won't be here for work and you don't get married for another 6 months. We have plenty of time to hang out and have fun." I nod gratefully. "Thank you...I still can't believe mom and dad couldn't just say we were the same age, what's wrong with that?" We both laugh shaking our heads. "Honestly it makes no sense...I like having a big sister."

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