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A/n: Hey it's been awhile guys! I got a request to make a story based off the kdrama I made up but like recast the characters. Would that do well? Not sure but I'll make a draft anyways. But comment what you think !


"Are you sure?"

I've been carrying divorce papers around with me for a few weeks now and honestly I'm not sure. I love Felix but I feel like he's forcing himself to be okay with me having Noah's child and I can feel the distance since I've become pregnant. "Well I don't want it to end this way, I don't but it's probably for the best and maybe he'll find someone better for him." Charlotte sighs pouring both of us some tea. "This is starting to sound like a Kimye situation omg no! Okay maybe you just need a trip to go on together to bond. Like a retreat."

I raise an eyebrow. "Hmm I suppose, I could always use a vacation. But Felix may be busy, I'm not sure." "Why wouldn't you know?" I sigh. "We've actually been staying in separate places while we've been in Korea. So I don't know his schedule at all. I'll call him and I'll see if he's busy." I pull out my phone and click his contact. "Hey Felix are you busy?" I hear the sound of his controller meaning he's only half listening. "Hey babe....right now yes but not a busy schedule no. I'm actually online with Khi right now. Do you need something, are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah I am...for now anyways. Charlie booked us a retreat this weekend so it's really important you make it. Not to put any weight on it but the results of this weekend has the entire fate of our marriage at stake." I hear him gulp rather hard. "Oh uh right okay I'm listening! Whatever it takes for us to get through this rough patch in our relationship. I'm willing to commit to anything."

"This is not what I had in mind..." We look at the resort that we're at and I sigh. "Let me remind you that I didn't book this touristy place...in fact I didn't do any of the itinerary. Blame Chan and Charlie." He takes my hand and walks up to the front desk. "안녕하세요, how may I help you?" "A reservation under Lee, Lee Felix." The lady types away but frowns. "Hmm are you sure? I don't seem to have that name." He looks at me and I sigh again. "Try Lee Mina? My assistant booked it, I hope she used our names." She types some more and smiles. "Yes I see the emperor's suite with the spa experience. I'll have someone bring up your bags Mr and Mrs Lee." She rings a bell and a guy comes and takes our bags. "Right this way."


"Here we are, enjoy your stay!" We walk inside the room and see that it's covered in rose petals and my favorite flowers. "Wow this is actually really nice. It's just I thought we'd be somewhere more private but oh well." The guy sets down our bags and I give him a tip before he leaves. "Yes I agree but let's get to it. What's first on that list that Charlotte sent you with?" I pull out the list and I look it over.

Get Your Marriage Rekindled

1. Sit down and ask each other the following questions:

-what is your favorite memory of us together?

-what is your favorite thing that I've gifted you?

-what is your favorite thing about me?

-what would you like to see change?

2. Go to the couple's spa and get the couple's massage and activities.

3. Have dinner together and talk about why you love each other.

4. Have...fun ;)

I hand him the list. He raises an eyebrow. "What does she mean by fun? Sex?" My eyes widen. "Felix! No she means fun as in having a good time!" He smirks. "Oh come on she added a winky face, that's definitely connotation for sex...anyways let's do these questions." I don't know if it's the baby or butterflies but I feel something moving around in my stomach. We sit down on the love seat and we face each other. "Okay I'll go first, what's your favorite memory of us?" "Well I guess when we had our second real fight over something really stupid and you were so worried I'd break up with you so you made me a bunch of cookies and brownies and came to my apartment at like 3 am offering them to me and Pluto thought you were a burglar and bit your leg."

We both start laughing and I feel tears in my eyes. "Yes and he wouldn't let go at first until you were like 'Pluto no no that's your daddy stop it' and then I dropped the container and all the cookies and brownies fell out and he started eating them. You know I thought dogs were allergic to chocolate but he ate those no problem." I nod calming down. "Yeah that was crazy...is it bad we ate the ones he didn't get a hold of? I felt bad because you stayed up making those." He shakes his head laughing. "No no, of course not. We don't waste food." I nod. "That's true...okay your turn, what's your favorite memory of us?"

"Hmm I think our engagement party. You were so confused on who's party it was and you were so cute being distracted by Chan while I worked up the courage to ask you to marry me. Seeing you do karaoke and smiling made me determined to keep that smile on your face for the rest of our lives." I smile softly listening to him. "Or well maybe the time you lost your memory and...huh actually that was scary nevermind." I nod in agreement. "Yeah you know I just remembered another favorite memory, after my accident and I came back to Korea. You made me a care package and it had the best plushies in it and they're still probably my favorite things to sleep with when your gone because they smell like you."

"Really? I actually sprayed them with my cologne. You know this is the first time we've laughed together in months...I'm sorry love. I guess this whole baby thing has been affecting me more than I thought. Honestly I'm kinda scared to be a father." My eyebrows raise in surprise. "I thought you were having second thoughts on it being Noah's baby..." He takes my hands and squeezes them. "No no I'm happy that you're having his baby! I wouldn't have let you do it if I felt differently, I'm sorry I haven't been the best support lately. I've been a kinda bad husband but I'm tired of not spending time with you because I'm scared. I want this baby and I want to stay married."

I feel tears run down my face. "Love oh no don't cry!" He wipes the tears and pulls me into his lap.  "I'm just so happy to hear that because all this time I felt like you didn't want me anymore or well actually you haven't been coming to the appointments but I'm actually having twins." "Twins?! Really??" I nod sighing. "I don't know what genders yet because I told them to put it in an envelope that we could open together." I reach into my purse and hand it to him. "Wow this is really happening, we're having twins!! Okay I'll open it on 1...2...3! ...Oh a boy and a girl!! Wow this is great, do you have names?"

"Yes I do actually, Noah and Nayeon."


Omg phew that was some serious writer's block omg wow!! But here we are, next chapter I'm skipping along right to after the birth because I've written the whole hospital scene before and it's boring...at least to me so I'm going to make it like a month after they're born. Alright love all the feedback too, like over 4K reads???!?! What the heck?? Like ummm I didn't expect it but thank you all! Now question because someone asked, should I make a separate book for the kdrama that Mina is in with Lee Minho? I think it's actually a great plot but idk comment and let me know!


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