19K 396 101

It was another peaceful morning, the sun was shining brightly and flowers seems blooming beautifully. Karasuno just won their second match from the interhigh, the teams played a great game and the combi quick left everyone in the dust. It was as if everything was perfect and no accidents could happened or so was the thought of a certain small sun.

Sitting in the middle of the court, a small ginger boy was shock as he look how his body change in an instant. Due to the the shock and the pain during the process of his body changing, the boy collapsed.

The once crowded noisy gym, now devoured by silence as they watch Karasuno's chibi middle blocker in  complete shock and it was not their stupidly fast quick nor his insanely high jump. It was completely different.

Date tech who just lost from Karasuno where left speechless. Seijoh who won their match from Karasuno were stupefied. Everyone was quite, Jaws were drop and eyes were wide open.

The ginger middle blocker who was lying in the middle of the court didn't move. Kageyama being the closest to him realizes what happened to his partner shout loudly calling his name "HINATA" this causes everymind to snap back from reality.

"WHAT JUST HAPPENED" this could be heard from everyone's mouth. Apparently they have just witnessed "Genetic Bending". A phenomenon causing one gender to change. Altering ones genes causing major changes from the body structures.

As if on cue, cameras started to flash, everyone was trying to capture the figure of the ginger and post it on there social media accounts, but before they could do that the members of the Karasuno surrounded the little crow. Using the black jackets they cover the ginger and immediately guiding him out to prevent him from being hurt  of the crowds.

"Hinata let's you get out of here first" the white haired vice captain Sugawara said as soon as Kageyama heard it he held the weakly, pale looking Hinata tightly, safely securing him in his arms.
"S... Suga-san" Hinata said stuttering as he was still weak from the pain and fatigue.

It was a good thing though that all the match were finished or else everything would have to be on hold and that wouldn't be a good idea for Hinata might blame himself because of it, after all his transformation cause a huge scene in the whole place.

When Karasuno team exit the place and went to the clinic, the volleyball
management explained what happened. Before Hinata had changed his appearance, they were just grieving their lost from Seijoh when suddenly a streak of light came from Hinata's body covering the area with bright light. It lasted upto 20 minutes before it slowly subsided showing the figure of a small body sitting on the wooden floored court. The ginger hair that was once short had reached his waist, his body shrunk resembling a girls figure, his feminine face became even more girly. The scene was so jaw dropping, because apparently no one from the spectators had seen it live with their own naked eyes the process of Genetic Bending, this phenomenon has been explained to everyone so it was not new for them but never would they have thought they can actually experience it happening at such a short period of time. The process was insanely fast that they could not believe whether it's true.

But the most shocking of all is how the cutie Karasuno #10 had turn more appealing despite being pale. Even when he was still a boy he already possess a cute face and a heart stopping smile that could melt even the grumpy genius setter and the salty middle blocker but of course this two wouldn't admit that. Everyone admired the ginger haired boy and now that he's a girl, more victims has been added to his fan club. But knowing how oblivious and naive Hinata is, he wouldn't notice this thing from happening.

"Hinata just lay in the bed for a while, the doctors are going to check your condition. We already informed your parents what happened so you don't have to worry."Sugawara said to his baby crow softly as if caring for his own child. I mean who would want to protect such child. Just one from him and anyone would instantly fell in love.

The otherside of the room the members we're a mess. Nishinoya and Tanaka won't stop staying" please keep Shoyo/Hinata safe" while face was filled with tears and as if praying to the gods of volleyball. Despite them hating studying they knew what type of phenomena that just happened and they couldn't believe there cute middle blocker had experienced it. Though we're still a bit worried because he collapse they shut there mouths as they notice Daichi giving them a death glare.

Kageyama on the other was worried though it didn't looked like he is since his default face  didn't seem to change but his hands were trembling from fear. When Hinata collapses in front of him a thud can be felt from his heart as if it was pierced by a knife. He didn't know what could happened to his bestfriend and his partner.
Even when they bicker almost everyday he still wouldn't be happy if something ever happened to him after all he was the very first person that didn't mind him being a king. " Hinata boke please be OK" he prayed while gripping his jacket. ( Being a volleyball idiot he doesn't now much about Genetic Bending and because of shock he did not notice the changes in Hinata's body).

Tsukishima sitting beside Yamaguchi had a calm face but behind that facade he was actually worried. He might have sometimes insult Hinata but he never really hated him. Despite him being a jerk Hinata still honestly still say good things about him and never let his insult bother him.

While everyone was thinking about the accident the door open welcoming   a beautiful woman who had black hair and brown eyes together with her is a tall orange haired girl with green eyes which they believe is Hinata's older sister while carrying the youngest Natsu that resembles Hinata.

They greated the three newcomers who were worried for Hinata.
The doctors began their explanation assuring everyone that Hinata would be fine. Since her body has just undergone Genetic Bending it was normal to feel weak. Though sign of this illness can be seen months before some go through it, there are some people are special cases that change immediately.

"For now it would be better to transfer her to a hospital to monitor her condition" the doctor ended his explanation and the team were ask to pack up so they can also go home. Saying their goodbye to everyone, the ride home was quite and gloomy.

The accident was recorded and news about it spread like wildfire. The name Hinata Shoyo become even more famous attracting more people from knowing him.

SUNLIGHT (HAIKYUU FANFICTION|FEMALE HINATA ) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ