Day'Quan Greene

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I been sitting here for hours waiting for Treasure to bring her ass back in this house. She really got me fucked up if she think she's about to be parading around the city with this nigga. Hell naw, I'm not going out like no sucka ass nigga. Somebody gone have to see me!

It was almost 7 when she decided to bring her tramp ass home where she met me sitting on the stairs smoking my third blunt.
"I know you not smoking in my motherfucking house DayQuan." She roared.
"Don't come in here with all that after you been with that nigga all fucking day!" I jumped up instantly getting in her face. "You left after I told you not to go!"
"First of all, I ain't never had to answer to you or anybody else, and I ain't starting today! Secondly, this is my motherfucking house! I'll come and go as I please because nobody paid for this house, but me! Since you got a problem with what's going on in my house, carry yourself up them stairs, get your shit, and go to one of the many houses you got a say so in because the only thing you can say around this bitch is goodbye as you walking out that door. Now move out my way. Today is not the day for you to be trying to drop yo nuts!" She screamed as she pushed past me.
Before I even realized it, I had jerked her as back in front of me. I wasn't about to let her play on me like this. Naw, we had shit to settle right now, there was too much on the line.
"We gone bring some order up in here right now. Regardless of what you got going on with that nigga, you for me! Y'all ain't got shit between y'all, but a child that he don't even know about!" Pausing I realized that Treasure came in the house empty handed. "Where Keyani at? You left her with that nigga?"
"I ain't left her nowhere! She's outside with her FATHER! I told him. I told them both. Now you ain't got the upper hand you thought you had, especially since you thought it was okay to put your hands on me! Get the fuck out of my house before I kill you." Jerking from my grasp, she stomped away.
Damn. I had fucked up. Regardless of my ways, I know I'm in love with Treasure. It was so much going on, I was flipping out. I don't want to lose her. I just stood there looking fucking stupid. I had to do something.
I ran upstairs to find Treasure in Key's room packing an overnight bag. I know we had an argument, but I wasn't expecting her to leave me.
Jerking the bag away from her, I was ready to go toe to toe with anyone.
"You not leaving me! Yeah, we had an argument, but I'm not letting you leave me! Treasure, I love you. Beyond all my bullshit, I promise you, I don't see myself with no one but you. I ain't been fucking off or nothing. I wanna be with you! Don't leave. Please baby, I know I was wrong, but you not about to walk out that door!" Dropping to my knees, this woman literally had my mercy at her feet. I needed her to see I was serious. A nigga was ready to cry if I had to.
Treasure slapped me upside my head.
"Get yo ass up. Why the fuck would I leave my own damn house, dumbass? You the one that's leaving. Go get yo shit!" She demanded.
"If you not leaving, why you packing a bag?"
"Keyani is going with her father, stupid!"
"She not going nowhere either. I don't know that nigga like that!" I said enraged again. "Why you ain't ask me if she could go?"

"Why would I ask you?" She replied.
"I been here most of her life! You ain't think about how this would affect me? You so fucking selfish that you can't see I don't do shit for my children without making sure Key straight too? Since you introduced her to me, I treated her as one of mine, and you think I'm just going to let you hand her over to that nigga? You think you so fucking perfect, but you really an inconsiderate, self-centered ass broad!" I yelled. Going to Keyani's closet, I pulled out the bags of clothes and shoes I'd placed in there last weekend when I took the kids shopping. I walked over to her piggy bank and slammed it on the floor, revealing the several hundred dollars that I'd been slipping in there for months.
I never claimed to be a perfect nigga, but I did a lot that went unseen and unsaid. So, yeah, I got my flaws, but I'm worth a lot too. At 29, I had been making babies since I was 15. All I knew was how to provide without speaking or expecting anything in return. That's the type of man I am! My ways might be controlling and even manipulative, but what Treasure didn't know is that I never asked for nothing I needed. And I never took from her without the intentions of returning with something greater. She built this image of me up in her head that wasn't me! Treasure wanted this perfect Luca that didn't exist. Luca was a figment of her imagination.
"You good Tres?" I heard from behind me.
This wench really got this nigga in the house I'm laying my head in.
"Yeah. We're just talking. I'll be down in just a second." She replied.
He looked down at the numerous bills and coins scattered across the floor before staring me down and walking back downstairs.
"Day... I'm sorry, I didn't know you felt that way." She grabbed my hand.
"It don't even matter because you don't give a fuck how I feel either way!"
Snatching away from her, I'd had enough of her shit for one night. I walked downstairs to leave, noticing I was blocked in by Mon'Keese. How you pull into somebody driveway at the house? I turned back into the house and headed towards the living room. Mon'Keese was sitting on the sofa with his feet cocked up on the coffee table and KeyKey laying on his chest. Let me put my feet on the table, it'll be World War Three around this bitch.
"Say Bruh, come let me out." I said.
"Treasure should be down here in just a second. I'm gone leave when I get my daughter's stuff." He replied, never looking away from the TV.
Hell naw, I ain't going out like that. This nigga had me fucked up.
"Lemme put you on something, my nigga. I'm glad Treasure let you know about your daughter and all, but that's all you got some say about around here. Come move that bitch before I move it for you." I replied walking off.
Treasure was coming down the stairs as I was walking to the door.
"I'll be out in a second Keese. Day, you leaving? Where you going?" She questioned.
I turned around and gave her a kiss.
"I love you, but you gotta see that shit for yourself, Treasure. I'm gone head back to the condo. I'll be back tomorrow and grab my shit." I said.
"You gone leave without us talking about this?" She asked.
"You already did the damage. I'm clear on where we stand." I walked out of the house and went into my car.
Treasure wanted to have her cake and eat it too. I'm too good of a nigga to her to deserve this. As much as I wanted to fight, I'm not no "Pick Me" ass nigga.

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