Treasure Brooks

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As I sat across from DayQuan in Nobu, it was taking every fiber in my being not to reach across this table and slap that silly ass smirk off his face. I can't believe Keese put all our business out there like that. Especially in front of this opportunistic ass bastard thats gloating his ass off on the other side of this table. I'm waiting for him to say something, so I can dig into his motherfucking ass! Yeah, Keese had me shook! I hadn't seen him in 4 years since I left him curled up in the penthouse suite at Hotel Derek. Then, to bump into him, like actually, bump into him! All I can say is, I'm glad a bitch looked damn good before I left that house. I pulled out my little compact mirror and made sure I was still intact. Yup, that nigga still thinking about me right now.

Yet, here I am, sitting with this groupie ass nigga. I can see the gears turning in his head.

"Say whatever the fuck it is you gotta say, DayQuan! Before I reach across this table and knock the black off yo ass!"

"Keese seems nice. I didn't know y'all knew each other." He smirked.

"Duh. That's because in 2 years, you haven't managed to figure out shit about me that you didn't know within the first 6 months, DayQuan. You don't even know my middle name." I replied.

"You're right." He smirked again. "Does Keese know your middle name?"
"Of course, he knows just about everything about me." I scoffed. Didn't this nigga just watch this man dig me a whole new asshole? "Matter fact, why you ain't say nothing while he was getting in my face like that? You weak as hell for that shit with your broke ass! I'm not paying for your food! How you let another grown man chastise me in front of you? That's why we'll never work out! You getting out my house today!"

DayQuan roared with laughter. He literally burst out laughing so loud that everyone around us turned to us to see what was so funny. When he finally stopped putting on a show, he reached over and drank what was left of my drink and wiped the sweat off his brow before speaking again.

"Remember when my baby mamas, Jordi and Alexa, ran up on us that day and you let them bitches jump me then rob me? What you tell me?" He leaned forward for my answer.

"I said I don't get in Baby Daddy/Baby Mama drama. Because I don't! That wasn't my business!" It was now my turn to smirk.

"Correct. You're absolutely right. So, what do I look like getting in your business with your baby daddy?" My heart stopped as he stood up. "Keyani just made 3 right? January 19th. You left him almost 4 years ago. When we met, you said you hadn't had sex since 2016. And being that you was pregnant most of 2016. That doesn't leave many possibilities. Besides, you've said it yourself that I'm only the 2nd nigga you ever been with. You hiding a whole baby from that nigga. That's why you been so tight lately? Your world is closing in. Perfect little Treasure really ain't shit! That's why you don't have social media except for your business and have a heart attack anytime your family members post Key on social media." He kissed me on the forehead as I held my breath.. "Pay the bill. I'll go get the car and pull it over here, baby girl. It seem like you need a minute to get yourself together." Exiting, he threw a wad of cash on the table. Guess he had some money after all.

As the whole room spun around me and the solid foundation of lies that had kept me afloat for the past 4 years came crumbling underneath me. Yeah, so what? I hid our daughter from Mon'Keese for the past three years! Of course, it was fucked up, but no one understands the hold this man has had on me since the day I met him. I spent my adolescence building this perfect future with him only for him to slap me in my face and go about his life like he wasn't the one that fucked us up! Mon'Keese has been the only man that ever held space in my heart for a long time but it's the damage that he left behind when I had to force him out that was affecting me until this day.
After a while a few minutes of stabbing my sushi with a chop stick, a text message drew me out of my haze.

Come out.
Time to return that favor from this morning
Don't keep Daddy waiting!

It's about be a long ass day!

I grabbed my purse and made my way to my new reality that I wasn't ready to face at all. DayQuan now knew my biggest secret, and I knew he would take full advantage of me until I was ready to face the truth. After Mon'Keese, I swore that I would never allow a man to have an upper hand in our relationship. Day'Quan now had that, and I'm scared.

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