Treasure Jones

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As I pulled into my drive way, I wanted to turn around and go anywhere, but in there. I was tired, frustrated, and full of emotions. Seeing my baby be so drawn to Keese today really had me feeling like the lowest bitch in the world. Keyani is very much so my child. She's very stubborn and will only do things her way. Most people have never heard her talk. Since she's learned how to walk, she doesn't like being held. She's also mean as hell. So, for her to just open up to Keese was scary. My sister and Marc never questioned me when I told them Key's father was a one-night stand, and I didn't have a way to get in contact with him. Technically, I never lied to them. Keese and I did have a one-night stand. Today, Joy gave me side eyes all day. In the beginning, the shit was cute, but by the end of the night, I could see my sister had something to say. After today, I saw more and more that Key deserved a daddy. But that would all have to be handled another day. It was going on 10:30 and I had to work in the morning.

Carrying Key in very carefully, so that I wouldn't wake her, I opened the front door. Flipping on the lights, I realized I was going to have to kill DayQuan's black ass. He had them damn kids in my house! There was shit everywhere. My sofa cushions were on the floor. Empty snack wrappers and juice boxes were scattered across my coffee table. There was even a pissy pamper sitting in the middle of my living room. I carried my baby upstairs and carefully placed her in the bed. I turned on her camera and monitors I had in her room, so that I can check on her during the night. After making sure she was secure, I quietly exited her room. I stormed to the guest bedroom to wake DayQuan ass up. He was cleaning that shit up tonight. Without knocking, I flipped on the lights. Only to see 4 of his kids in the guest bed, but no DayQuan.

I know this nigga ain't in my bed!

Going to my room ready to stomp this nigga out of my bed, I was surprised to see that my bed was empty too! Wait... was my car not in the garage? I headed down to check. Just as I thought, my garage was empty. I grabbed my phone and called him repeatedly before he sent me a text.

I'm at Dreams baby. Check on the kids.
Be ready for me when I come home. 😉

Oh yeah, this nigga think shit sweet. He got the right one though! I left his ass on read. I sent my boss a text letting him know that I'd be working from home tomorrow, I will be sending out weekly assignments for the clinic's nurses before noon, to reach out to my cell if there was any problems, and I would see them on Tuesday.

DayQuan was going to feel my wrath tonight. I'm not about to let no weak ass nigga play with me like this. He could run his mouth to who he wanna run his mouth to, watch his ass ain't gone have no teeth.

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