Treasure Jones

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"Can you believe this nigga asked me to borrow $3,000?" I had to call my sister, Joy, to help me wrap my head around the shit this nigga had dropped on me.


"Joy, I don't give a damn what it's for! He ain't getting shit from me! Talking about I'll see when its finished! You know what's finished? ME AND HIM! Fucking around in the streets, he's lost his job! Now, he's probably behind on his rent. I can't even believe he had the audacity to open his mouth and ask me for some shit I can't even ask him for! Sis, I know it taste like sugar but the nigga should've been known that ain't shit sweet over here!" I replied.

"Yeah because... baby no! I told you that you should've left his ass alone after all them damn kids popped up. Who forgets to mention that they have 6 kids and 4 baby mamas?" Joy just had to remind me.

As she continued to lecture me on what I already knew to be true, my mind wandered to the first night ¨Perfect Luca¨ became tarnished...

A thunderous bang from the other side of Luca's condo door interrupted us, as we Hulu'd and Hunched. The police like knock was followed by the screech of a seasoned hood rat.
"DayQuannnnn, open up this muhfuckin doe, nigga. I know you up in dea laid up with a bitch. You gone get these fuckin kids tonight!" Yelled the ghetto banshee.

As I rose, I had one question?
"Who the fuck is DayQuan?"
Which involuntarily slipped from my tongue. Naturally, I'm sure whoever is on the other side of that door is in fact knocking at the wrong door. I guess it was in my nature to be corrected because my perfect Luca enlightened me.

"Bae, stop playing. You know my government is DayQuan." He said with a chuckle. "You so silly. Lucas is my middle name, people just call me Luca."

Huh? Nigga, no the fuck I didn't.

At this point, I had to check myself because why had I been messing with a man for 5 months, and I didn't even know his real name. Shame on me. As he slid on his pants, I needed an answer to the bigger question...

"You got kids?" I roared while quickly jumping to my feet. "Kids, as in more than one? Like multiple little children? You've never said anything about that!"

"You asked me if I had kids, I told you I got 6!" He replied as he opened the door. I thought he was just joking, but low and behold, the once pristine hallway was littered with 2 grown ghetto swamp opossums and 6 little "Days". No, really. All of the kids' names started with Day. Daymond and Daymoni, his first set of twins. Followed by the second set of twins, DayQuan Jr and DayJon. Daylon, who was just a toddler at the time. Dayah, the baby of the bunch, who was still in a carrier. I was instantly petrified at the sight before me, because ew, the ghetto! Yet, thankful that I didn't accept unwrapped dick! From there, day by day, I found myself less attracted to Day'Quan.
He wasn't my perfect match anymore, My Luca. He was a hood nigga with a job and I deserved more than that. Now, don't get me wrong, I still entertained him. He definitely knew how to keep a bitch satisfied. Day'Quan would constantly buy me gifts, wine and dine me, and drop some cash on me here and there. But, he did nothing for me that I couldn't do for myself.

"Treasure? TREASURE! Are you listening to me?" Joy's annoying voice squeaked bringing me out of my head and back to the issue at hand. I have to get rid of the nigga! "I'm trying to tell you, you gotta let him go! You are worth way more than the likes of DayLuca or whatever his name is. You're his golden ticket. He doesn't have a job, meanwhile, you're managing Dr. Jackson's practice and running two successful online boutiques. He's facing eviction. At 29, you own your home and have two rental properties! And, yeah, the nigga a lil something to look at while he's knocking your ovaries together or whateva. But you? You're a bad ass grown ass woman who need a man that's equally yolked. Let him go because I know you don't love him! And you damn sure don't need that scrub. You lucky he got a car."

Sadly, I agreed. This latest request of DayQuan's had truly tipped the scale. Not to mention, after I did not fall to his feet and grant his absurd request, he threw a whole bitch fit. When I asked him if he was out of his fucking mind? He sprang out the bed and started fussing about how I never had his back and couldn't trust him, whining was unbecoming of such a handsome man. So, I asked him the biggest question looming in my mind... "Nigga, are you smoking crack?" He had to be if he thought, that in the middle of income tax season, I would just hand over 3 thousand dollars to a nigga that has 4 baby mamas. I held my ground as he shot out of my door, hopefully out of my life... because like I said, that nigga wasn't getting shit up out of me!

"Sis, I know. DayQuan is just something to do. He's my meantime and between time. Do you realize in 2 years, I've never told him that I love him? I mean... I care for him, but I don't love him like I loved Ke..." I stopped as the name that broke my heart got stuck in my throat, gulping it back down before continuing, " I mean... I just know DayQuan isn't my forever. But after last night? He ain't even my tomorrow."

We laughed in unison before Joy continued, changing the entire direction of the conversation.

"Tres... You know he's home, right? Keese... is back in Houston. He signed to the Texans... I saw him. Actually, he came over to hangout with Marcus and see the kids. I didn't know he was coming beforehand. He asked about, he asked for your number... I didn't know if you wanted me to even tell you... but it seems like perfect timing..." she squeezed out.

"Joy? I gotta go!" I abruptly ended the conversation. As if my life wasn't off balanced enough, the piece of my heart I buried long ago was back to haunt me.

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