Chapter Fifty Seven

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November 12th, 1983

"Guys!" Mike said, throwing open the gym doors so violently, they clattered against the wall and nearly bounced right back to hit him, "They found us

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Guys!" Mike said, throwing open the gym doors so violently, they clattered against the wall and nearly bounced right back to hit him, "They found us. The bad men. They're here."

"Shit," Dustin said through a mouthful of pudding, "Well what are we waiting for?" he said, tossing the empty pudding cup over his shoulder, "Let's go!"

The boys and El left the mountain of pudding cups in the gym and headed into the corridor. The lights were all off but they could see where they were going thanks to the beams of light from the torches that the bad men had. There were loads of them. There were hardly any dark spaces for them to hide away in.

They huddled at the end of the corridor, waiting for the beams of light to pass so they could run away from where the bad men were. Lucas was at the front. He peeped his around the corner and waved the others on when the bad men were gone. Mike and El were in the middle and George and Dustin followed behind, making sure that no one followed them.

For a while, their tactics seemed to work. They managed to get from the gym all the way down to the science classrooms. The Lucas held up a hand when they reached the end of the corridor. There were bad men in front of them.

"Shit," Dustin hissed, "Er, Lucas...can we move on?"

"No!" he hissed back, "They're down there," he said, pointing to the next corridor.

"Well they're down there too!" Dustin hissed back, pointing to the corridor they'd just gone down. They were boxed in.

The beams of light intensified making way for the bad men. Three of them stood in front of them, holding up guns alongside their torches. Two of them came down the corridor behind the boys and El, trapping them from going anyway.

"We're doomed," Dustin mumbled, placing both his hands behind his head and pacing backwards and forwards in the little space they had in between the two groups of bad men. Then, all of a sudden, the men froze. They didn't move, or say anything over their radios that they'd found El. They just froze. And blood began to trickle from their eyes. George stared in horror as all five of the bad men that had trapped them collapsed to the ground. El wiped the blood away from her nose and ran on, shortly followed by the boys.

But their path was once again blocked, not by a group of bad men with guns this time. This time it was by that doctor guy. Brenner.


Nick stood in the empty hallway, baseball bat resting carelessly over her shoulder. The bear trap was empty. The monster seemed to have disappeared. Still weary that it would appear at any moment, Nick crept down the hallway, followed by Jonathan and Nancy, and eventually Steve. The trio plus Steve made their way apprehensively into the sitting room, which too was empty. Nick relaxed, swinging the bat off her shoulder to rest on the floor.

Jeopardy- Stranger Thingsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن