Chapter Seventeen

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November 8th, 1983

After Nick had left, George stood dumbfounded, his boxed up toast in his hand

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After Nick had left, George stood dumbfounded, his boxed up toast in his hand. What had just happened?, He thought. Had Nick just...complimented him? He'd thought for sure she'd bollock him. Instead he'd just got breakfast. Lucas and Dustin had lingered in the entrance and watched the entire encounter. George looked to them and they, all three of them, shared the same confused look.

"What did I just witness?" Lucas gaped as George joined them and they headed for class.

"I got breakfast..." George explained as best as he understood.

"What?!" Lucas exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air.

"You mean, she didn't tell your mom you snuck out?" Dustin asked.

"If my sister found out I was at the search party, I'd never hear the end of it." Lucas despaired, "She'd either rat me out immediately or blackmail me."

"Not all our sisters are as cool as yours, George." Dustin hinted, elbowing him playfully and wiggling his eyebrows. George groaned and looked at the floor.

"Amen to that." Lucas remarked, throwing his arm around George and smirking. "I'm just glad she's not my sister, if you catch my meaning."

"Eugh, guys." George groaned, "Nick isn't the girl we should be worried about." George reasoned as they got the class and took their seats.

"Oh, this is weird." Dustin worried, looking at Mike's empty desk. "He's never this late."

"I'm telling you," Lucas assured, "His stupid plan failed."

George slumped down in his seat. Whatever was going on was getting weird. First Will goes missing and now they find a random girl in the woods whom Lucas was convinced is crazy. George, however, wasn't sure. She didn't look like an escaped inmate at a lunatic asylum. He'd read Batman and she was no Joker. And anyone who'd got lost in the woods long enough would look a bit scruffy. He was sure Will wouldn't look look the same once they'd found him... If she had gotten lost, shouldn't they help her? Like they were trying to do for Will? Lucas certainly didn't think so. He didn't want some girl around and messing up their plans to find Will. Dustin was undecided, George suspected. He was being quieter than usual.

"I thought you liked his plan?" Dustin mumbled, shifting in his seat.

"Yeah but obviously it was stupid, or he'd be here." Lucas reasoned, exasperated. Everything with Will had taken its toll on each of them. Lucas's fuse was getting shorter and shorter by the day. Dustin had retreated in on himself and Mike, well, Mike was acting crazy. George liked to think he hadn't changed and, in a way, he hadn't. He had gone back to his old self, before the move from England. He'd only really had one friend then, and that was Nick. Now it was like all the friends he'd somehow made in Hawkins weren't going to be around for much longer.

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