Chapter Forty Two

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November 11th, 1983

Everyone except El ran over to Lucas

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Everyone except El ran over to Lucas. He was motionless and his eyes wouldn't open. He didn't respond as George, Dustin and even Mike frantically called out his name.

"Why would you do that?" Mike asked desperately and turned to El. She was standing, wide eyed and her mouth hung slightly open. Her nose was bleeding.

"What is wrong with you?" He shouted at El, who still didn't move. She was rooted to the spot out of shock.

"Lucas," Dustin was saying over and over again, "Lucas wake up."

"El!" Mike called and jumped to his feet. George looked over his shoulder and saw El storming off. Mike hesitantly glanced back at Lucas, who was beginning to come around, and took off after El.

"Shit..." Dustin sighed as he watched Mike run off, "What do we do now?"

"Wait here with Lucas," George instructed, standing up and brushing the dirt off his knees, "I think I have a plan."


Nick was just about to run out the door on her way to work when the phone rang. She loitered in the doorway, debating letting it ring out and just going to work but something told her to pick it up.

"Hello?" She asked lacklusterly and was met by rapid breathing on the other end, "Who is this?"

"Nick it's me."

"George?" Nick said, suddenly more concerned than she had ever been in her entire life, "Are you okay? Where are you?"

"I need some help. Please, Nick, I don't know who else to ask."

"Woah, woah, woah. You're rambling. Slow down, I can't hear a word of what you're saying."

"I need your help, Nick," George said, slower this time, "I'm by the scrap yard, just around the corner from home. By a pay phone. Please, Nick. I need your help."

"Okay," Nick said, taking a deep breath, "I'm on my way."

She put the phone back in the cradle and immediately picked the phone back up, dialing Frankie's number.


"Hey, Frankie-"

"Nick! Why you phoning, shouldn't you be at work?"

"That's why I'm calling," Nick sighed, "I need you to cover my shift."

"Do you understand what you're asking of me?"

"Yes, I know," Nick said, pinching the bridge of her nose, "I just really need someone to cover for me."

"Your shift is in five minutes!"

"I know, I know. Something's come up."

"I have plans tonight!" Frankie protested, "I was going to sit in the back of movie theatres and yell stuff at the screen!"

"Please, Frankie. I really need this," Nick said, "My brother's in trouble."

"Georgie needs your help?" Frankie asked, "Sure I'll take your shift."

"Wait you know my brother?"

"But you owe me," Frankie added, ignoring Nick's question.

"Okay fine," Nick sighed, "I'm going to regret that but fine."

Without wasting another second to even put the phone back in the cradle, Nick jumped in her car and drove off, following the vague directions George had given her. She knew roughly where the old scrap yard was. They'd driven past it on their way into Hawkins when they'd first arrived. It was the opposite direction to the rest of town. Why was George even there?

Thankfully, it didn't take her long to find George. He was standing by the side of the road, next to the only pay phone for miles next to an old, run down looking, petrol station. Nick pulled over and George threw open the door, jumping in the car and slamming the door behind him.

"Hurry!" He shouted, glancing briefly at Nick and then turning his head sharply to stare straight ahead out of the windshield and looked panically down the road, "Go! Please, Nick, just go!" He shouted and Nick shifted into first and pulled out back onto the road. She'd never heard George sound more panicked. What had he gotten himself into?

George shouted out directions, telling her which turning to take when she's almost driven past each turning but they managed to get there in one piece without having to turn around. Nick pulled up in the scrap yard by an overturned pick up truck. George lept out before Nick had even switched the engine off.

Nick hesitantly got out the car too and followed where George had dashed off to. He had run off around the side of the truck and was crouched on the ground next to Dustin. The two boys kept glancing worridley up at Nick and then back to where Lucas was lying on the ground with his eyes shut.

"Oh my god! Is he-"

"I need your help, Nick," George interrupted. Nick knelt down beside George, holding Lucas' wrist to feel for a pulse. It was normal, thank god, and his eyelids kept flickering half open before they closed again.

"You've always been good when I get hurt," George rambled, staring hopefully up at Nick, "Remember when I broke my arm and mum wouldn't take me to the hospital. You took care of it. I need your help!"

Nick looked at her brother, his wide eyes pleading with her. She looked back at Lucas, who was trying to open his eyes and look around but was definitely not in any fit shape. She knew better than to ask what happened. She sighed, taking a deep breath, and began to wrack her brains of the little first aid she knew.

 She sighed, taking a deep breath, and began to wrack her brains of the little first aid she knew

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