Chapter Forty Four

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November 12th, 1983

George left the house early the next morning

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George left the house early the next morning. He set an alarm to wake himself up before Nick so he wouldn't have to see her. Despite setting the alarm, his anxiousness to leave woke him early anyway and he lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, waiting for the alarm to sound. He immediately turned it off before it had time to ring more than once and alert Nick to his presence as he snuck about the house. He grabbed an apple that he would eat on the way to Mike's, threw on a pair of scuffed jeans and an old hoodie, snuck soundlessly through the house, unchained his bike and pedalled off.

Dustin and Lucas were already there when he arrived at Mike's. Mike's house was the other side of town to George's. Mike's house was in the nice end of town. Lucas and Dustin lived nearer than he did so it made sense that they were there already. George wasn't disappointed about that. But it did hurt a little, not that he would bring it up with anyone, that they had already started discussing things before he'd arrived. And by 'discussing' he meant shouting at each other.

Lucas and Mike were squared up in front of each other, both glaring at the other. Dustin was stood next to Mike, looking at him encouragingly. Mike rolled his eyes and stuck out his hand for Lucas to shake.

"I drew first blood, so..." Mike mumbled. George knew what was going on immediately. When he had been inducted into the party, they went over the rules (although George already knew them from playing D&D with Nick). To solve arguments, whoever drew first blood, or threw the first punch, had to be the first to apologise. Mike had hit Lucas first, so here he was apologising. George relaxed a little after seeing that Mike was willing to forgive and forget. But Lucas didn't seem too impressed.

Lucas had his arms tightly folded across his chest and was pacing slightly in front of Mike's outstretched arm. His face was sternly set and staring at Mike. At long last, he nodded.

"Okay, I'll shake," Lucas said, still staring at Mike. George could see Mike's shoulders relax a little, although he didn't smile. Dustin grinned and looked to George and George smiled back. But Lucas had other plans, "On one condition. We ditch the weirdo and go straight to the gate."

George frowned and looked around the room. He hadn't noticed it before but Lucas was right, Eleven wasn't there. Mike must have proposed going to find her before going to find Will.

"The deal's off," Mike snapped, snatching his hand away from Lucas.

"Fine!" Lucas snapped, throwing his hands up.

"Fine!" Mike retaliated and spun around, his back to Lucas. Dustin rolled his eyes so much his entire head moved too.

"No, no, no," He interjected, stepping in between the two feuding boys, "Not fine! Seriously, guys?"

Neither Mike nor Lucas looked at the other, or Dustin, as he tried to get them to move past this stupid fight. Dustin sighed, slumped his shoulders and threw his arms up in defeat. George took a deep breath. He was going to have to do something he had never done before in his entire life...stand up for himself.

"Guys, come on," He said more timidly than he would have liked, "I don't know about you, but I want to get Will back. And I think that's what you both want too. Because, underneath it all, we're friends. Even if some of us argue from time to time. We're still friends. And friends, they stick together. And they don't leave anyone behind just because they have different views or if one of them is stuck in another dimension. I just want my friends back. Not just Will, you two as well," He said, looking between Lucas and Mike who's expressions had softened, "Can we please go and find Will?"

Lucas nodded firmly, looking at Mike but softened when George caught his eye. Mike was nodding too, albeit a little reluctantly. George smiled smally. He'd done it. He'd successfully brokered a peace agreement. And then it was ruined.

"Yeah, let's go get Will back," Mike mumbled, "But we need to find El first."

Lucas groaned.

"Are you kidding me?"

"No! I'm not!" Mike said firmly, "George was right, friends stick together and she's out there somewhere."

"She's not our friend!" Lucas protested, "Will is our friend. We're going to get Will back! Friends support each other."

"Friends should include everyone!" Mike snapped back. Dustin looked immediately to George while Lucas and Mike resumed fighting. George looked back and the two shared a knowing nod.

Dustin grabbed Mike by the shoulders and dragged him away from Lucas. Mike eventually gave up trying to wriggle free of Dustin's grip and stopped trying to lunge at Lucas. George stood in front of Lucas. He didn't touch him, he knew he wasn't going to be strong enough to hold Lucas back. Instead he just sidestepped every time Lucas went to move around him. Lucas eventually gave up trying to get past George too and the fight was paused.

"Come on," Dustin said to Mike, pulling him by one arm in the direction of the door, "Let's go find El."

Lucas heard and violently crossed his arms to show his anger.

George waited until Mike was gone before he said anything to Lucas in case he was still angry and tried to fight Mike.

"Do you want to go and look for Will?" He asked, again sounding far too timid. Lucas sighed, pursed his lips together and nodded. George smiled at him weakly and they headed outside.

George had left his bike in a heap with the others. Dustin's and Mike's were gone and there was no sign of them down the road Lucas' house was on. That was good. The last thing they needed was another standoff. Lucas fetched his bike from the garage and the two set off, with Lucas' compass leading the way, in search of the gate.

 Lucas fetched his bike from the garage and the two set off, with Lucas' compass leading the way, in search of the gate

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