Chapter Nine

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November 7th, 1983

Turns out Nick had managed to park her car only millimeters away from the house

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Turns out Nick had managed to park her car only millimeters away from the house. She chuckled to herself, boy had she been lucky last night. Her mum's car still hadn't returned but by this point in her life, at 17, she had learned that to be the norm. She'd ask Joyce if Melvad's stocked headlights after school during her shift and change it before she left.

George eagerly jumped in the car. He practically begged her to drive off to school. Nick smiled slightly at the sight of him. She couldn't remember when she'd last seen him so happy, surrounded by so many friends. Perhaps her mum had been right about the move.

Naomi's divorce from George's father had been messy. It had put both children in a tense position. Needless to say, Naomi had to do a lot of convincing to persuade Nick that moving back to America was a good idea and even more convincing to persuade George that leaving the country he was born in was a good idea.

Nick had only been four when they moved from America to England. Naomi had never married Nick's father so at least that made their separation easier. Or rather, it was easier for Nick. Naomi saw her divorce from George's father as a blessing in disguise. Naomi came away from it with full custody and a big sum of money, not to mention a monthly income of child support. All that and she never had to see her ex husband again. For George and Nick, things were more complicated.

After their whole lives had been uprooted, twice in Nick's case, a fresh start at a new school in a new country was like a Herculean task. Sometimes Nick thought her mum had forgotten what it was like to be a child their age. Children were mean, especially in George's case who had clung onto every aspect of his childhood with a goofy grin on his face.

For Nick, she had had to grow up too quickly just to ensure she and George had a roof over their head. Now Nick was old enough to work, it seemed as if Naomi had recaptured her teen years and was sneaking out of her own house every evening to do good knows what and always coming home in the small hours stinking of alcohol.

But through it all George had settled in. He had made friends, real friends, not just people who tolerated his presence. And that made all of Nick's struggles worth while. She didn't care so much that she didn't have a single friend at school or that she worked two jobs. George was happy and so was she. For once, things were looking up.

Will wasn't there when George arrived. He jumped out of the car as soon as it had stopped and raced off to join his friends sending a careless goodbye over his shoulder to Nick. Mike, Lucas and Dustin were already at school. They had biked in, as Will usually did, and were securing their bikes in rack. George looked puzzled for a minute before breaking the odd silence that had befallen them.

"Will not with you?" He asked as nonchalantly as he could. Truth be told he was worried but he would try his best to look cool in the process. This was school after all.

"We figured he had already left." Lucas answered as they began sauntering to class, "He's probably already at his desk."

George nodded as he fell into step with the others. Lucas was probably right. After all, he had known Will for years whereas George had only known him for a couple of months. But that still wasn't consolation enough to shake the bad feeling churning in his gut.


Nick rolled her eyes playfully as George scamperd out the car before she'd even had a chance to turn the engine off. She followed him with her eyes as he ran over and came to an abrupt stop. The half smile quickly faded from her lips as she saw George's whole body slump. She stared at him a moment longer, watching him intently as he walked off with his friends. Something was wrong, she thought, but she was probably overthinking it. George was going to be fine. This time was different, this school was different. He had friends now and didn't need Nick to be constantly watching over him.

Nick swung her school bag over her shoulder and slammed the boot shut. The car park was getting steadily emptier indicating the bell would be sounding soon. She put her worrisome thoughts about George out of her mind and made her way to class.

Navigating the halls was a task in itself, something Nick struggled with more than complex algebra. Hawkins high school was cliquey. Everyone had groups that they stuck to; people who like band hung around people who like band and people who like sport hung around with people who like sport. And no one wanted to hang around with Nick.

On a good day, she would get to class quickly, well before the bell rang and avoid all the little groups of friends coming into class. But she was later than usual today and had got caught in the flow. She was on her own in a swarm of friendship groups, and that made her stand out more than usual.

"Look who it is!" She heard the familiar taunting of Tommy H. She glanced a look over her shoulder and saw him striding towards her, Carol at his right. Tommy looked over to her and then glanced left. Steve Harrington wasn't paying attention though, he was looking at Nancy Wheeler.

Nick flicked her head back forward and looked at her feet, shuffling with the flow of other students, hoping to God she'd get to class quickly. But alas, that was too much to wish for. Tommy H quickly side stepped in front of her and stood still for a second too long. Nick had to shuffle her feet and skid on the floor to keep herself from bumping into him but just before she did, he'd move out the way again.

"Can you move, please?" She mumbled, not wanting to look him in the eye.

"Oh yeah, sure." He said, half stepping out the way but darting back again as soon as Nick took her foot off the floor. "Come on, Nick. Keep walking. You don't want to be late for class."

Carol cackled from behind Nick She glanced sheepishly over her shoulder. Carol had her hand by her mouth, covering her smile and glared at Nick with hate filled eyes. Steve had his hands on his hips and pursed his lips shut to stop himself from laughing. Nick flicked her eyes back to the floor. Tommy had taken half a step backwards so Nick took her chance and stepped forward. But she wasn't quick enough. Tommy had stepped forward again and blocked her path but Nick's reflexes weren't quick enough, or rather, she had grown tired of always having to be so cautious.

"Fucking bitch." He spat and shuffled his toes out from underneath Nick's foot.

Steve shuffled through the crowd and pulled Tommy into the class by his elbow. Nick sighed at least now her path was free. Or so she thought. Nick almost lost her balance as Carol barged straight into her shoulder, hitting her so hard she fell against the door frame. Carol scoffed at her as she strode through the doorway. Nick adjusted her bag and resisted the urge to massage her throbbing shoulder. She didn't want them to know just how much they'd hurt her.

 She didn't want them to know just how much they'd hurt her

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