Chapter 5

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" Who said that? "

Gauri turned with a shock. She gazed at the door step. Was she dreaming? How could he come here?
Omkara ji was standing near the door followed by Chintu.
"Who said that Gauri?" He asked again.
Gauri was standing there silent. She didn't know what to do .

" Beta, why are you standing there? Gauri, why didn't u let him inside?"

Gauri's mother asked happily. She was anxious about her daughter's future. But when she saw her son in law outside , she got a relief.
Omkara entered inside. Radha pulled a chair for him. Then she said.
" Beta, Gauri said u went to Mumbai."

" Auntie, at first I thought like that. Then I changed my mind. I think I should go to Mumbai with Gauri and convince my family. " Omkara said.
All the time he was looking at Gauri.
Gauri was shocked by Omkara's words. Is he real? She pinched her hands . She looked at his face. He was gazing at her.
" Beta, Gauri is my one and only daughter. Actually I and her papa wanted to make her marriage grand. But he died very soon. And I couldn't make any of his wish possible. I know that the marriage was not supposed to happen like this, It might be her fate. But I hope marrying you is the best thing that happened in her life. You saved her life, I don't know how can I thank you. My words are not enough. I have nothing to give you in return. Radha failed to control her tears. Omkara rushed to hold her hands.

" Aunty Ji, I don't want anything in return. You just send Gauri with me. I think we can go tomorrow. "

" But I can't come with you." Gauri interrupted.

" Gauri, is this the way to talk? What did I teach you. He is your husband and you should respect him. He is like your Shankar ji."

" But ma, I can't go leaving you alone. You are not well. If anything happens to you, I will die ma" Gauri said with tears in her eyes.
" But Gauri, you can't stay here all your life. After marriage a girl should live in her husband's house. Don't worry my dear. I will manage."
Omkara expected Gauri would be ready to go with him. But she was so reluctant to leave her mother. He knew that feeling. He was also very much worried about his mother.
" Aunty ji, if that is the case, you also come with us."

But, Gauri's mother was not ready for this . However she convinced Gauri to go with Omkara.

" Beta, you are very tired. You should take rest. Gauri, take him to room."
Radha said.
Gauri went to the bedroom followed by Omkara.She closed the door and asked him.
" So, what do you want? Why did you come back? That too to see me, a home breaker. I thought you never want to see my face in your life."
" I am sorry. I accused you without knowing anything about you. But, Chintu said everything. So l am here to take you with me" Omkara looked at her apologetically.
" You said you don't value this marriage. Then why are you doing this? I don't want anyone's sympathy."

" Gauri, it is not sympathy. Even I don't consider this as a proper marriage, but, I married you infront of every one. I can't spoil your life. So, Come with me" Omkara said.
" If you don't consider this marriage, how can I come with you?" Gauri asked again.
Omkara was in a dilemma. He couldn't explain his feelings. Finally he said.
" Gauri, at present I can't accept you as my wife. We married in such a hurry. You also don't know anything about me. So we will decide the future of our relation after understanding each other. Till then we can be good friends. "
Gauri looked at him astonished. She didn't know whether she should accept his offer. Like he said, she didn't know anything about him. But she trusted him . Anyway he saved her life. Atlast she nodded her head.
" So , friends" Omkara gave his hand to her.
" Friends.." Gauri shook his hands.

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