chapter 2

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Why is this train too late? He has to wait for another two hour. He cursed his poor fate. He wants to leave this place so badly, but what can he do now?
"10 rupee mango, 10 rupee mango. Sir do u want to have one? ". Omkara turned his head to the voice. There was a boy standing near him with a bunch of fresh mangoes. " Sir do u want to have one? It costs only ten rupees" He asked again. Omkara thought about the boy who was working at such a young age and took his wallet out. But he was suddenly struck by the boy's question - " jeeju, Why are u here alone? "

Omkara frowned at the boy. " Jeeju?"

" Aren't u the one who married Gauri di ? " The boy asked .

Again Gauri. He thought why she is following him every where. " I don't know any Gauri " He lied. But the kid identified him.
" Why are u lying jeeju? You are the one who saved our Gauri di. Thank u so much. We don't know what would happen if u didn't help our di. Poor Gauri di. That Kali and his people tortured her a lot. But now she got some peace. By the way, where is Gauri di? Didn't she come with u?" The boy said in one breath.
Omkara looked at the boy with surprised eyes. Why this kid supports Gauri, or is this a new drama? His mind filled with a lot of questions.
" How do u know Gauri ? " he questioned him back.
"She is our best friend. She teaches us dance and u know we do a lot of naughty things together. But she is a very soft girl . You are lucky jeeju. She will always keep u happy."
The boy explained with a glint in his eyes.
Omkara watched the boy curiously. Did he hear him right? Then where is the Gauri he had seen? He wanted to know more.

Gauri stood infront of Richa's home. Ma is here. She hesitated to go inside. She has no idea about what she will say to ma when she will be asked about her husband. At last, she knocked the door.

" Gauri!" Ma was surprised when she saw her. She looked behind Gauri to know whether her husband accompanied her.

" Where is Omkara? " she asked .

" Oh ma, first let me come inside. " Gauri said and entered the house to avoid her mother's questioning .

" But where is he? Why did u come alone ? " Her mother became doubtful.

" Ma I am too tired. I want to have a shower first, Then I want to eat something. You know I didn't have anything since morning. Then we can talk. You rest till then. " Gauri went to the room fast. Fortunately Richa is not here. She and her family went to her mamaji's house for a week. Otherwise she will bombard her with questions. Her ma brought her luggage also. She took a dress and went for a much needed shower. She want to clean her body as well as her mind.

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