Chapter 20

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      Gauri was working in the kitchen,  but her mind was somewhere else. It was evening and there was no sign of her Omkara ji. She expected atleast a call from him saying all is well. Yesterday she tried to call him many times. But it didn't connect. Now he is not attending her calls.She doesn't even know if the marriage  happened or not. She went to the balcony lost in thoughts. Suddenly she felt two hands holding her waist and pulling her backwards. She turned shockingly, all ready to scream. She saw the two beautiful brown eyes looking at her intensely.

"Omkara ji..." A soft whisper left her lips. Omkara who also lost in her eyes hummed. "Mmmm...".

Both stood there rooted for some time, lost in each other. Gauri who came to the real world first, looked at the hands encircled her waist. Omkara took his hands awkwardly. He looked here and there ,then looked at an angry Gauri. He was confused at her expression. He wondered whether she didn't like his touch. But the reason was something else.

" You are very bad, Omkara ji.."

" What had I done?"  He exclaimed.

" I have been calling  you since yesterday and it was unreachable.I am extremely worried about not knowing what happened there and you didn't even get a minute to inform me." She said with teary eyes.

Omkara's heart broke when he saw tears in her eyes.  He turned her face and made her look at him.

" I am sorry Gauri, I am extremely sorry. I wanted to call you yesterday but, because of that idiot Rudy my phone got damaged.  Then today was hectic , you don't know what all happened there. I was waiting for everything to settle down and  come back to you. I hadn't forgotten you Gauri,  even for a moment. "
He said the last line with so much love that made Gauri to forget all her anger and she hugged him tightly. Omkara caressed her head slowly.
" Gauri..." He called.
Gauri broke the hug and looked down blushing . After some time she asked.

" Omkara ji, how is Maa ji? Is she ok?"

" She is alright now. She reached at the right time. We don't know who helped her to escape. " Omkara replied without thinking.

" But how did you know about Maa ji?
I have not told you what happened there." Suddenly reality struck him.

Gauri bit her lips nervously. How can she reveal about her Chulbul stunt?

" Omkara ji, I just asked. It is not a big deal. " She replied without looking into his eyes.

Omkara watched her doubtfully. He knew she was hiding something. But what will it be? Mom said that two people helped her to escape. But she doesn't know their whereabouts . Does Gauri have any connection with them? He remembered that Dabang Gauri he met in Bareily .

" Gauri, tell me the truth. Do you know who helped mom?"

" I don't know Omkara ji." Gauri made an innocent face.

Omkara left the room and called Dandi.

" Dandi, do you know what happened with my mom today?"

" Ha, That Swetlana's goons kidnapped her. Then Gauri  Sister and I went there and helped her. " Dandi replied with so much pride in his voice. Then noticing Gauri behind Omkara, he asked her.

"Sister, Didn't you tell him about our adventure?"

Gauri realised she was caught. She saw Omkara glaring at her.

" Please explain Dandi " Omkara said.

Then  Dandi explained everything from how they followed Swetlana to how they saved Janhvi to reach Oberoi mansion safely. Omkara watched the two crazy people near him with utmost shock.

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