Chapter 27

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         Omkara was walking through the corridor. As usual he was late for breakfast. He is not an early riser like his wife and Upto midnight he was on a call with her. He missed her badly. On the way to the dining hall ,he heard someone whispering near the window. Omkara went there to see who it was.

" Anika , I know you are the one behind all these nonsense. "

" I don't know anything Pinky aunty, you are always blaming me for no fault of mine."

" Now how much they asked?"

"2 Crore "

"2 Crore! It is a huge amount. Now I got it. After your divorce you need money to survive.  That's why you played all these drama. Don't try to fool me"

" No Pinky aunty,  I don't know anything and I don't even want a penny from the Oberoi family. I love Shivaay and that love is enough for me to live . And I think it is Shivaay's mom or somebody related to her who is calling us. They will surely know Shivaay is not your son."

Omkara saw his chotti ma and Anika continued the discussion unaware of his presence. He remembered the conversation he had with his wife before some days.

" Omkara ji I talked with them today. Your Chotti ma is stubborn and Bhaujai is frightened. I think she is lying about bade Bhaiyya, just for threatening your bhabi. Otherwise she should be miserable by now"

" You are right. She knows Anika Bhabhi will not take any risks in matters related to Shivaay. "

" But a DNA test will solve these matter easily, then why don't you go for it?"

" I also think the same. But Anika Bhabhi is not ready for doing it. She says Pinky aunty never lie about Shivaay. "

" I don't understand her logic. I think your chotti ma is insane and she will do anything. "


Gauri bite her tongue immediately. Even though Omkara ji is very lenient, she doesn't have the right to blame her in laws.

" Sorry Omkara ji, I didn't mean that. Anyway it is your chotti ma. "

" Gauri that is the matter. You are right. I know she is insane but still she is Shivaay's mother. I think it is better to have a DNA test. I will do it without informing Bhabhi."

" Good."

He collected the samples from Shivaay and Chotti ma without their knowledge . After the test he collected the report last day. Obviously it shows that she is his actual mother. First he thought to give the report to Anika Bhabhi, but then he changed his mind. It is time to expose chotti ma. Shivaay needs to know the truth. He can do it with the help of Gauri. He again called her.

" Gauri, I got the reports and I am relieved now. I want to show Shivaay the true colours of Chotti ma.
I don't want my Bhabhi to suffer more."

" So what is next Omkara ji?"

" Do one thing.  This time you ask for some money. Tell her If she is not ready to give the money , you will contact Shivaay"

" But Omkara ji , why will she be ready to give the money? She is his actual mom."

" But it will flop her plan to separate Anika and Shivaay. "

" Ok, how much will I ask? 10 lakh? It is too much right?"

" Gauri , ask more. 10 lakhs is a small amount. "

" Small! I said about 10 lakhs. Do you know how many zeros are there? One, Two, .."

" Six Gauri. There are six zeros . And don't talk like Anika Bhabhi.  We are Oberois and here ladies spend lakhs for their outfits for each function. So you ask atleast 10 crore."

" 10 crore! You are that rich? " Gauri thought how stupid she is. Yes of course her husband comes from a different world.

" Yes wife, now can we discuss about the plan?"

Omkara smiled at the thought of the progress of his plan. Now chotti ma is hell confused. He moved to the breakfast table.


   Shivaay was sitting near the pool side lost in thoughts.  Earlier it was  only his wife behaving weirdly , now his mom  also started. And he came to know that his mother has withdrawn large amounts from her accounts. What can he do now? He has to find out what is bothering them . Yes, he will find out.


  Anika was impatiently waiting near the land line. The caller has destroyed her piece of mind.Now they have arranged the amount and she wants to know where it is to be delivered. She and her mother in law discussed the matter many days and atlast decided to handover the money. Suddenly the phone rang . She attended the call with trembling hands.

" Hello"

" Hello  Anika , I hope you two arranged the money. "

" Yes , now tell me,  Where can we meet you?"

" Come to the old factory near Oberoi Office. And if you informed the Police, I will personally contact Shivaay, don't forget it."

" No we won't do it."

" Ok . I will expect both of you there."

  Anika and Pinky stood infront of the factory building. They set out from the house in the excuse of shopping. They entered the building tensed. They entered in the long hall and searched if anyone is around . Suddenly they heard a noise from behind. There stood a man with long white moustache and big spectacles.
Even though he is lean , he had a big tummy

" Who are you?" Pinky shouted. She didn't see such a man in her life.

" Madam ji, have patience . It doesn't matter who I am. Do you have the money ?"

Anika showed him the bag they have brought with them. He looked at the bag with bundles of notes.

" Now tell me , who are you? Why are you blackmailing us?"

" Don't be tensed, I am a friend of Shivaay's actual mother. She said me to collect this."

" You are lying. What is your intention? There is no such a person."

" I am not lying, Shivaay is not your son. You two know that and you fear someone will take away your son Pinky.  Any way we are not here to trouble you. We need money, that's all. And I accept this as an advance. I will come again when this is over."

" What?  We brought the amount you have said and not expect more. If you do that you will know who Pinky Oberoi is."

" You can't do anything. Remember Shivaay is not your son"

" Shivaay is my son , I gave birth to him. "

" But aunty...You have said Shivaay is not your son."  A confused Anika intervened.

" Stop it Anika, I know you are the one behind this and you can't black mail me with this. Shivaay is my son. No one can separate him from me"

" But you said..."

" I said Shivaay is not my son to threaten you only. I don't want you in my son's life and I want you to leave that house. I thought I can throw you away from that house forever. But you are not as innocent as everyone think. You are using this to blackmail me and you can't succeed.  Because Shivaay is my son and you can't prove it otherwise.  Take this money and go from his life forever. "

" Pinky aunty, I swear I don't know anything.  But, you lied. How can you do that?" Anika asked with a heavy heart. She never dreamed Pinky would tell such a lie.

" Because you trapped my son and took my son away. I hate you Anika.."

Anika stood there like a statue. She knew her mother in law doesn't like her. But hate! She always respected her and tolerated all her tantrums.

" I will find a suitable wife for my son. I don't want even your shadow on him."

" Mom..."

A sound came from behind and all of them shocked.  Pinky turned back .Blood drained from her face. There stood Shivaay looking at them .

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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