Chapter Six: Would you reconsider?

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Willy's POV:

It's been a couple of weeks since Charlie won my factory and (Y/N) said she couldn't stay and I've actually started to miss her. She was the only one throughout the tour who thought like me and the fact that she was the only person who got my jokes made me smile. I enjoyed her company and I loved her drawings. Whoever taught her to draw was a brilliant teacher.

She wouldn't leave my mind since that day. I've never met anyone like her. Well, I don't meet a lot of people because I haven't left my factory in a long time. Actually, I'm curious how she lives without a family or even a home. After telling Charlie he was in charge, I dressed as casual as I could and went out to town. I found (Y/N) but she looked different from the first time we met.

She was dirty, dressed in oversized clothes and she was just a mess. She was sitting on the pavement floor drawing like all this was normal. In front of her was some of her old drawings and a paper cup for money to go in. People didn't seem to care much for her beautiful drawings and just walked past.

How long has she been living like this? Why did her parents leave in the first place? It wasn't long before she left and decided to draw at the park. I kept my distance. Throughout the day she just drew and lived life like this was an everyday thing. Night fell and she hadn't moved from the park once. Everyone had gone home when I heard her burst into tears.

"I can't stand this! Come on, (Y/N), just face it. Mum and dad are not coming to get you!" She yelled at herself, "why didn't I take up Willy's offer? Life in the factory would be a lot better than life on the streets."

I didn't know what to do. I wanted to approach her and tell her that my offer was still available but I couldn't do it. When she calmed down, she packed her things and did something I didn't think she could do. She sang.

'I've done a lot of things that I'm not proud of
Things that if you'd been around, I know would make you sad
I've been a selfish person one who gave up
And never saw the things that I still had

All I wanted was to see you every day since you were gone
But now if I turn and look I know I won't go
So let memories stay memories kept safe inside my heart
For eleven years late, I finally think I know

It's time to say goodbye, it's time to start to try
For who I've been is not who I should be
It's time to choose what's right; instead of choose to hide,
From this day I promise I will try, and see if I can be
Someone you'd be proud of, someone you'd be proud of

I never thought that I'd do something special,
If something needed saving I was not the one you'd pick
But now this place needs something like a hero
And there's no one here but me

I never can go backwards and undo the past
The only moment I can change is this one
There's no one left to follow and no arms to break a fall
Yet for once though I may fail I swear I won't run
But I'm a little scared
I wish I was braver here
Still, this time, I won't give in

It's time that I believe
Expect I can achieve
And if I fail at least I gave it all
It's time to choose what's right
Instead, I'm justified
Maybe I can't change the world
But I can try, and do my best to be
Someone you'd be proud of,
Someone you'd be proud of,
Someone you'd be proud of
Someone you'd be proud of

I won't let you down.'

She's been on the streets for eleven years?! How old was she when her parents left? She barely looks older than me so she must have been somewhere in her teens. Just a guess. Still, that's very young to be left alone. I went back to the factory and I couldn't sleep. All I could think of was her. It still baffles me how she's lived like that for eleven years. Just from watching her today, she hadn't eaten all day which concerned me. How much does she eat a in day or even in a week? It actually horrified me. The next morning, I was having issues staying awake from lack of sleep while Charlie was giving me ideas for candy.

"Mr Wonka? Are you alright?" Charlie asked startling me because I was starting to doze off.

"No," I confessed, "I didn't sleep last night."

"Why not?"

"I saw how (Y/N) lived yesterday and... it was shocking."

"She's been like that since we met."

"Do you know how long she's been on the streets?"

"Apparently since she was sixteen."

My jaw dropped. Sixteen?! I had no words. That poor girl. Eleven years. So she's about twenty-seven now. Hearing that she didn't want to live in the factory weeks ago was a little shocking but now seeing how she's willing to live is even more shocking. We talked more while I tried staying awake when Charlie suggested we hosted a Halloween party outside the factory now that I'm being more open to the public. I thought it would be an alright idea but I was too tired to think about it so I just said yes to it. Wanting to concentrate better, I went to bed for a nap.

(Time skip: party)

It was the day of the party and I wasn't sure about this. There were a lot of people here dressed in costumes and having fun while I hid inside. I was watching everyone through a window when I saw (Y/N) in the crowd. She was sitting in a corner with her art book. No surprise there. I went into the crowd and went over to her.

"Lovely to see you again, Miss (Y/N)," I said.

She looked up from her work, "nice to see you too. I, uh, wish I was better dressed."

I sat next to her and took my hat off, "well, considering how you live your life, you don't have much of a choice, do you?"

"You don't know how I live, Willy..."

"I do... I saw everything a couple of weeks ago."

She looked down and closed her art book not saying anything. I took her hand and she looked up at me again.

"My offer is still available if you'd like to reconsider," I told her.

"If it's no trouble," she said.

"Not at all."

She smiled and hugged me, thanking me. I hugged back and again told her that it was no trouble. Seeing how she lived broke me. She deserves better.

(A/N: I DID IT! I GOT A CHAPTER OUT! I would've gotten it out yesterday but I was busy redecorating my bedroom to make more space. Enough of my excuses, see you next chapter)

A different kind of Prize (Willy Wonka x Reader (Gene Wilder version))Where stories live. Discover now