Chapter Four: I want it now

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We went down a corridor when Willy stopped us and showed us a wallpapered wall with fruit on it. He told us it was lickable wallpaper. Willy let us lick it and the fruits actually tasted like the fruits. This was impressive. After that, we went into a room with bubbles coming from something in the middle of the room and a very high ceiling.

"Something very unusual in here," Willy said, "bubbles, bubbles everywhere, but not a drop to drink. Yet."

"What's it making Mr Wonka?" Charlie asked.

"Fizzy Lifting Drinks. They fill you up with gas and the gas is so terrifically lifting that it lifts you right off the ground like a balloon," Willy explained.

Willy told us that he couldn't sell it yet because it was too powerful at the moment. Everyone went to another room except me and Charlie who decided to have a try of the Fizzy Lifting Drinks. It was tasty but nothing happened until we started floating. We had fun until we went too far up towards a fan.

We tried to stop but nothing worked and we called out for help but no one heard us. I accidentally burped and I started floating down. I told Charlie to do the same and he did. We continued burping until we returned to the ground and returned to the others. We went into the room to see Oompa Loompa's handling giant golden eggs and giant geese.

"I know what you're thinking: They can't be doing what they're doing. But they are. They have to. I haven't met the Oompa Loompa yet who could do it. These are the geese that lay the golden eggs. As you can see, they're larger than ordinary geese. As a matter of fact, they're quadruple size geese which produce octuple size eggs. They're laying overtime right now for Easter," Willy explained to us.

"But Easter's over!" Mike said.

Willy shushed him and covered his mouth, "they don't know that. I'm trying to get ahead for next year."

"What happens if they drop one of those eggs, Wonka?" Mr Salt asked.

"An omelette fit for a king, sir," Willy replied.

"Are they chocolate eggs?" Veruca asked.

"Golden chocolate eggs," Willy told her, "that's a great delicacy," me, Charlie, Mrs Teevee and Mike went to go close when Willy stopped us, "But I wouldn't get too close. The geese are very temperamental. That's why we have the Eggdicator."

"Eggdi-what?" Mrs Teevee asked.

"The Eggdicator. The Eggdicator can tell the difference between a good egg and a bad egg. If it's a good egg, it's shined up and shipped out all over the world. But if it's a bad egg... down the chute."

"It's an educated Eggdicator," I said.

"It's a lot of nonsense," Mr Salt said.

'A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men,' Willy sang quietly to Mr Salt but I heard.

Veruca then started her 'I want' phase saying she wanted a golden goose. Mr Salt asked Willy how much he wanted for a golden goose but he said no. Never tell Veruca no apparently.

"Gooses! Geeses! I want my geese to lay gold eggs for Easter," Veruca said picking up a giant golden egg.

"It will, sweetheart," her father assured her.

"At least a hundred a day," she said tossing the egg in the air and catching it.

"Anything you say."

A different kind of Prize (Willy Wonka x Reader (Gene Wilder version))Where stories live. Discover now