Chapter 17

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You're my reflection
So tell me, why can't you be more clear?
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Gabriella's POV

The anticipation hung in the air as I eagerly awaited Rico's return to school. My excitement bubbled over – I had missed him immensely and couldn't wait for his familiar presence to light up the hallways. When he wasn't around in school I couldn't help but feel lonely even with Lea, Matt, Kaleb, and Travis around.

When I arrived at school that day, I parked my car and as soon as I stepped out of the car I regretted even coming to school it made me want to go back home where the air condition was much nicer. The familiar hum of voices surrounded me as I entered the school, I began to look around for my friends and I was happy as I finally found them.

Lea and Rico stood engrossed in conversation, Rico's back turned to me, but his backpack revealed his identity with a keychain I had given him not too long ago. Wrapping my arms around him, a wince escaped his lips, and my concern deepened as I noticed a faint bruise on his arm when he turned around.

"Hey, Gabby," Rico said, gripping my hand with a forced smile.

"You okay? I noticed you winced when I hugged you," I asked softly.

"Oh, yeah. It's nothing I'm just sore from working out," Rico replied, nervously tapping his fingers, deep down I knew he was lying but I let it slide, not wanting to disrupt the moment.

Later, I greeted Lea and hugged her, and we continued with our day. During that school day, Rico's abnormal silence and difficulty walking to class puzzled me. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, especially after hearing Rico's lively self over the phone contrasted with his current demeanor.

"You okay?" I'd ask, and each time Rico would nervously assure me, but my intuition whispered otherwise.

As days went by he began to start acting weird towards everyone and it was concerning me. One day on the way to lunch I was looking for Lea because we were going to get something to eat together just the two of us. Eventually, I discovered a new hallway that was much more quieter, it was a temporary escape from all the loudness of the hallway I used to be in. Now I'm lost and I don't know how to get back to where I was in before.

As I wandered trying to go back to where I was before I overheard the voice that I'd been trying to look for the last minute. 

"Rico, every year it's getting worse. You have to do something about it," Lea's hushed concern reached my ears

"This is why I didn't want to tell you because I knew you would act this way," Rico's defensive tone sent shivers down my spine.

"How else would I react Rico? You can't live like this forever I mean why can't we just tell someone?" I hear Lea say

"Because it'll mess up everything that's why," Rico said raising his voice

I knew I had heard too much so I decided to just go somewhere else before I got caught but I couldn't help but wonder what the hell this conversation was about. Could it be about his bruise, is someone hurting him? or is something else going on?

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