Dark Memories

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[[Author's note: Well, I hope you're liking this story. :) I actually went back and wrote a lot of beginning material with stuff that happened long before Jax and Charlie ever did anything remotely sexual. I can redo this whole thing if anyone is interested in reading the beginning. Let me know! Until then, I have a new chapter for you. Let me know what you think! Happy reading!]]


"He's a boy, Jax. He needs blue walls," I said, staring at the wall of paint options. It was the day after Gemma's family dinner and I showed Jax my ideas for the house. When he got off work from Teller-Morrow, we'd gone straight to the home improvement store. We were starting with Abel's room so we could be ready for the day we could bring him home and found ourselves arguing over the color of the walls.

"Won't that much blue be too overwhelming? The room isn't that big," Jax said, looking at the many different shades of blue, his hand holding mine tightly.

"Not if we get a nice, cool blue. Maybe one to match that cutie little beanie you had made for him?" Jax grinned at me when I mentioned his favorite of his son's accessories.

"That's actually a great color."

"I think it's this one," I said and grabbed a very light blue paint swatch and handed it to him. He stared at it with a warm smile dancing on his face and I knew he was picturing it on the wall.

"For all four walls?"

"Yes. Let's get three cans. That should be enough."

"Do we need anything else?"

"Probably some primer, I think. And obviously some painting supplies. Nothing else right now. All the little ideas I have for his room I have to get at a baby store. Or maybe a crafting store." He lifted the hand he was holding to his mouth and kissed the back of it, catching my full attention. He smiled and winked at me.

"I love that you have ideas for his room. You're more invested than Wendy or I ever were."

"I can't help myself. You know I love kids. I think I drove Donna nuts the first time she was pregnant. And Abel is yours so, that just makes him even more important to me."

"When Wendy wakes up, I'd like you to come with me to talk with her."

"I'd love to talk to her. I mean, she's a junkie but, she's not beyond redemption. Abel's perfect, despite what happened."

"That's definitely true. Let's get this paint and get out of here. I know you're eager to get started."

"Hey, you're the one who asked me to move in and give you a list of things I want for the house."

"I did. I thought you might have gone for the living room or our room first but, you went straight for Abel's room."

"Admit it, deep down you thought I would be like all those other bitches you know and put myself first," I joked. He laughed and tugged me away from the swatches.

"I know you better than that," he said. He rattled off to the clerk at the paint counter what we wanted. He turned to me as we waited, resting an elbow casually on the smooth surface. "So, Fun Town came to Charming two nights ago."

"I heard your mom say something about that last night. She said the club is going tomorrow."

"Yep. Wanna be my date?"

"We're you planning on taking someone else?"

"Well, if you aren't available, I was thinkin' of asking Ima." His grin was cheeky and it only grew when I glared at him.

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