Setting Up House

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[A/N: Hello readers! I'm so happy there are people enjoying this story. I hope you continue to enjoy it in this next installment. Jax and Charlie are finally in the house! Let me know what you think! Happy reading!]


I woke up with Jax the next morning, stealing every moment I could to touch him or kiss him as we both got ready for the day. He indulged me because it gave him extra chances to feel me up. According to him, anyway. He left to do outlaw shit with my dad before I left to go to the house because I was determined to not spend one more night in the Samcro Brothel. I packed up most of the crap I'd spread throughout the room and after the bed was delivered, I'd come back and pack the rest and get some of Jax's things. Most of his clothes were already at the house from when I washed them all several days before so I knew there wouldn't be a lot to bring back to the house.

I made it to the house about a quarter to ten and as I pulled up to park by the curb, my car died. I tried to turn it on a few times but the starter never caught. I sighed and gave Jax's truck in the driveway a long look. I was grateful I at least made it to the house before the car died and even more grateful Jax didn't mind me using his truck for a while. Climbing out of the front seat, I grabbed my purse and a couple of bags from the back and went inside.

Between Gemma and myself, the house was as different as daylight and darkness from when Wendy was living in it. I put all my bags on the kitchen table and went to the master bedroom and saw that our new comforter set was sitting in the middle of the floor. Humming in approval, I went to Abel's room and got busy putting the sheets on the crib and getting the last of the stuff ready for when he came home. It was crazy to me that I felt like the baby's mother when I didn't carry him in my belly and I had never held him. I wasn't entirely sure I was ready to take on the role but, someone needed to and I was far more stable than Wendy was...and I hoped my apprehension eased when I finally got to hold him. It helped that Jax was more than thrilled I was willing and happy to take on the role of 'mom' for a child that wasn't mine. At least, not mine by birth but every bit of my heart felt like he was mine. I put the cutest stuffed elephant I'd ever seen in the crib once I had everything put together and I took a step back to admire it. Looking around the completed room, I could imagine Abel in here and I could almost feel myself rocking him to sleep by the window. Not for the first time, I was eager to bring that baby home and live the life I was picturing in my head. I sat in the rocking chair and got lost in the images in my head until a repeated ringing told me someone was at the door.

By eleven, the delivery guys had set up the bed and gone on to their next delivery. I had a fresh pair of sheets I'd bought and washed days before and I busied myself by getting our bed put together. I had everything ready for our first night together in the house, except for pillows. Shaking my head at my forgetfulness, I went to the kitchen to grab some of my stuff to put away and heard my cell phone chirping in my purse.


"Hey," Jax said on the other end. A smile was instantly on my face.

"Hey, baby!"

"Did they deliver the bed?"

"Yep. They left about twenty minutes ago. I got it made up and everything but, I have to go get some pillows."

"I knew we were forgetting something. Are you still at the house?"

"Yeah. I'm putting some of my crap away and then I'll head back to the clubhouse and pick up the rest of it. Are you busy?"

"Not at the moment. We have church in a little bit."

"Can you gather some of the stuff you want at the house? I'll bring it back with me when I come up there in a little bit."

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