Questions and Lies

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[A/N: Hello lovely readers! I know, I's been a few months since I last updated. Life has been a bit of a whirlwind lately. I've gotten a new job (which I am still quite fresh in and still quite nervous about) and I have also been trying to finish writing my novel. I still have quite a ways to go on that one. My desire to write this story, however, is still strong. It will likely be divided like by the season of the tv show I'm hoping to wrap up the end of season one in the next few chapters. Okay, okay, enough of the chatter and on with the story! As always, Sons of Anarchy does NOT belong to me (although I would gladly keep Jax Teller in my closet to have my wicked way with) and please excuse any typos I have missed. Happy reading! ~L]

~One Week Later~

The soreness from my injury had finally begun to fade even though the bruising was still dark and blotchy along my side and stomach. Taking deep breaths finally stopped feeling like I was being stabbed. It was perfect timing since I'd finally gotten the call for an interview at Saint Thomas and I needed to at least be able to move around even if I couldn't lift anything yet. I was putting the finishing touches on my make-up when my cell phone started chirping next to me.

"Hello?" I said when I flipped it open.
"Hi baby," Gemma responded.
"Hey, Gem. Are you at the cabin?"
"I am."
"How is our Irishman?"
"He is up and moving today. I think it's the first day he's been up like this. He looks good."
"I'm glad to hear that. Do you think I need to come out there today?"
"Don't you have your interview today?"
"Yes. I'm actually about to head out."
"Then there is no need to worry about it. He should be fine today."
"Okay. Thanks so much for going out to check on him."
"It's not a problem. Are you going to see Abel while you're there?"
"Of course. I would never go up there and not see him. I will be much happier when we get him home."
"We all will, baby. Jax with you?"
"Not today. He's working."
"He went back today?"
"No, he went back a couple days ago. I told him I didn't need him to babysit me when all I'm doing is sitting at home. But he still calls every couple of hours to check on me."
"You're the only woman he would drop whatever he was doing to make sure you were okay."
"I know and I love him even more for that and because he doesn't care if he's smothering me."
"Is he smothering you?"
"Not at all. I only sent him back to work because he has shit to do and I'm past the worst part of my injury. I'd keep him home all the time if I could."
"I understand that more than you know. Let me know how your interview goes."
"I will. Talk to you later."
"Later," she said and I heard the phone click in my ear. I smiled and shook my head. When she was done with a conversation, she was really done.
-----------Two Hours Later----------
I was sitting in the rocking chair in Abel's room at the hospital, holding a bottle to his mouth and gently rocking him. I couldn't stop smiling at the way he was looking at me with his bright blue eyes that were so much like his daddy's. Tara came in as I was sitting there and leaned against the observation window.
"You're dressed really nice, Charlie." I glanced briefly at my professional attire of a black skirt, blue button down shirt, black blazer, and high heels that I wore to my interview before meeting her eyes.
"Thank you. I had an interview that ended about half an hour ago."
"How did it go?"
"It went well. I'm hoping to get a call back in the next couple of days."
"I don't see any reason why you wouldn't."
"Well, I did tell her about my injury but she said it shouldn't be a problem since it isn't a disability."
"Well, I wish you luck. I know you would be an asset here." I smiled at her, flattered by her words.
"Thanks Tara. That means a lot coming from you."
"I mean it. When we were working together on that man at the clubhouse, I recognized what a great nurse you are. Saint Thomas would be lucky to have you. How are your ribs?"
"I'm still sore when I move the wrong way and in the mornings but I am doing much better."
"I'm glad to hear that. No trouble breathing?"
"None at all after the first twenty-four hours," I said and glanced back at the baby in my arms. He had stopped suckling from the bottle and his eyes were starting to drift shut. Removing the nipple from his mouth and placing the bottle on the table next to me, I lifted Abel so he was resting on my shoulder and I patted his back. When I looked back to Tara, a shadow of a very familiar figure hovered behind her. Seeing my attention was behind her, she turned and I got a full look at the ATF agent who was in Charming a few weeks ago. Something about seeing her in a similar position to Kohn outside of Abel's hospital room spelled trouble and made me see red. When our eyes met, she grinned and I knew it was time for her and myself to have a conversation. One that was likely long overdue.
"Tara," I said and she brought her attention back to me, "would you mind taking Abel?"
"Not at all," she said as she walked toward me as I stood from the rocking chair. "Who is she?" I gave her Abel and placed a rag on her shoulder so she could continue burping him.
"Someone else from ATF."
"Do you think—"
"I don't know. If it's something you need to worry about, I'll tell you. For now, just enjoy the baby, okay?" She only nodded and her face smoothed out the worry and fear that had briefly made an appearance as she shifted her focus to Abel. I straightened my clothes a bit and stepped out of the nursery.
"Can I help you?" I asked, not waiting for her to speak. She gave me a condescending smile.
"Charlotte Winston?"
"Yes?" She pulled out her badge and flipped it open for me to clearly see she was ATF.
"I'm Agent Stahl, ATF. May I, um—may I ask you some questions?" She placed her badge in her bag, turning away from me briefly, and it gave me a moment to school my expression into something more open and honest. If she was going to play the 'nice and pleasant' card, so was I.
"Of course." I pointed to the set of chairs behind her and we both sat down.
"I'm trying to wrap my brain around your history with Samcro." I had to hand it to her. Her statement truly threw me off. I squinted at her.
"Excuse me?"
"Well, I know your father and your brother are both patched members."
"Yes, they are. Anyone in the town can tell you that."
"Your mother left Charming when you were ten. She took your brother with her and left you behind with your outlaw biker father." My face grew hot as she reminded me of my personal history, not my history with the club.
"My relationship with my mother has nothing to do with Samcro."
"Perhaps. Your brother eventually made his way back and you had some rowdy teenage years. Arrested for disorderly conduct and vandalism when you were seventeen. However, that seemed to turn you around. You graduated early, a valedictorian, from high school. You went to a local college where you graduated at the top of your class and received your associate in nursing. From there, you became an RN. It's all very impressive given your background." I scoffed.
"Yeah, I know. I was there."
"Yes. You also left Charming a couple of years ago. Upended your entire life, got a job at a run-down diner, and lived in a crappy apartment until seven weeks ago when you packed up and came back to Samcro."
"Is there a point to any of this? I actually do know my own history." She chuckled.
"What brought you back to Charming?"
"Honestly, I missed my family. My brother was just out of prison and my father's health is beginning to fail him. It was time to come home."
"What sent you away in the first place?"
"That is my own business. And it has nothing to do with Samcro."
"Maybe not the club but, did it have anything to do with its handsome VP?"
"Was Jax Teller part of the reason for your return?"
"I'm willing to bet you already know that answer."
"I do, actually. Although at first, I thought our gorgeous bad-boy biker was actually with the lovely Miss Knowles."
"What changed your mind?"
"Deputy Hale shone a light on the true relationship status of one Jackson Teller. You're his Old Lady, right?"
"I am. However, my personal life is really none of your business. What do you want?"
"Fair enough. Do you know of any illegal activity that Jax Teller or the Sons of Anarchy are involved in?" There it was. And she and I both knew what would happen next.
"No, I don't," I said with a shake of my head. Her expression indicated she didn't believe me but she didn't press any further.
"Well that was easy," she said with a laugh. I grinned at her. "Listen, if you do think of something or you see something that just doesn't feel right, would you please give me a call?" She handed me a business card with all of her information on it. I nodded and took the card. She thanked me and then she left. I took a deep breath and went back into the nursery where Tara had returned a sound asleep Abel to his bed. As soon as the door shut behind me, she spoke.
"What was that about?"
"They're trying to dig up dirt on Samcro."
"Who knows. She's a piece of work."
"Anything I need to worry about?"
"No. She didn't mention Kohn," I said and my phone started ringing. I said goodbye to Tara as she excused herself and grabbed the chirping nuisance.
"Did you know ATF is looking into Samcro?" Donna's voice said loudly in the ear piece.
"They were a couple of weeks ago. Why?"
"Some ATF bitch showed up at the house this morning and started questioning me about Samcro."
"Shit. They're going after the women."
"They questioned you?"
"The same bitch, I'm sure, just left. She didn't so much as question me as she did some digging into my own life."
"What do you mean?"
"Bringing up 'mommie dearest' and my arrest record when I was seventeen. The only question she asked was actually about Samcro." The door opened again and I looked up to see Jax walk in. He gave me an appreciative once-over with a grin that promised all kinds of naughty stuff later as he made his way to me.
"She brought up Mary? Why the hell did she dig into all that shit?"
"I truly have no idea," I said as Jax wrapped me in a side-hug, kissing my forehead, and then turning his full attention to the baby. I couldn't help but smile. "What did you say to her?"
"I told her I didn't know shit about Opie's club business and even if I did, I would never rat on him. Then I told the bitch to get out of my house."
"Well, at least everything you said was one hundred percent true."
"What's going on Charlie? I know you have to know."
"Trust me, Donna. You don't want to know."
"Is it that bad?"
"Probably worse than what you're thinking."
"You're right, I don't want to know."
"Let me know if you hear from her again?"
"Of course, babe."
"I'm gonna let you go. I'm up here at the hospital."
"How's the little one?"
"He's doing great. I hope he can come home soon."
"How are your ribs?"
"Much better. Still a little achy but it's much better than it was a week ago."
"Fantastic. All right, I will let you get back to the baby. If I hear from what's-her-bitch again, I'll call."
"Thanks, love. Talk later."
"Later." There was a click in my ear that indicated she hung up and I closed my phone. After I put it away, I looked at Jax's concerned face.
"What's going on?"
"That ATF bitch paid a visit to Donna this morning asking her a bunch of questions."
"I just passed her in the hallway. Did she question you?"
"Sure did."
"What did she say?"
"She found my history with Samcro perplexing although I'm certain she is the only person in this town who does. She brought up my mother leaving when I was ten and my arrest record when I was seventeen. Then she brought up all of the highlights like being valedictorian and graduating at the top of my class in nursing school. Also, she wondered why I left and why I came back. She actually thought you were back with Tara until Hale told her you were with me."
"She's just trying to rattle you," he said and pulled me into a real hug. His warmth and strength made me feel like I could breathe.
"I know and the sad thing is, she did rattle me a little bit." He squeezed me a bit tighter but not tight enough to hurt my sore ribs.
"I know you hate it when people bring up Mary."
"Especially strangers. She knows everything that ties me to Samcro, Jax." He kissed my temple and we released each other. He only took a small step back and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. I turned to kiss his palm.
"It's all smoke, Baby. They have nothing on Samcro so they are harassing those closest to us."
"Who else was being questioned?"
"They have Luann locked up now."
"What? Why?"
"She's a porn producer with a stash of drugs on hand. They have nothing else to go on so they're pulling shit out of their ass."
"So that's Luann, Donna, and me. Anyone else?"
"Not that I know of. We have church later tonight and we will go over all that we know. How was your interview?"
"It went well. I'm hoping to hear back in the next couple of days for a second interview and then go from there. As long as the ATF stays out of my business anyway." He flinched at my words.
"I'm sorry, babe." I place my hand on his arm, caressing lightly.
"I wish I could say that it isn't your fault but, the club isn't exactly blameless. However, I can say that I'm not angry."
"You're sure?"
"Of course I'm not angry. Maybe I should be. Anyone else would be but, I know how this all works, baby. You guys are always so careful so I'm sure they won't find anything. I know they are just trying to scare me into a confession of some kind."
"I'll try my best to keep this shit from touching you anymore than it has."
"I know you will," I said and glanced down at the sleeping infant with a smile on my face. "I'm heading home. Are you behind me?"
"I wish I could. I have to sort this shit out with the club. I'll be home later, though."
We walked out of the hospital together and he kissed me beside the truck before we went our separate ways. I really hoped this shit with the ATF blew over quickly and didn't involve my potential to work at the hospital. However, my life taught me to always prepare for the worst.
It was late when Jax finally came home. I'd long since changed into my navy, sleeveless nightgown and was laying against the headboard of the bed, reading, when his exhausted figure stumbled through the bedroom door.
"It's after one a.m., baby," I said as he sat heavily on the foot of the bed to remove his shoes.
"I know."
"Are you okay?"
"Just tired. We found out Otto is on federal watch so Rosen can't get in and he can't get calls in or out. We met with Unser at the clubhouse. He's been basically kicked out of his office and ATF is using RICO as a way to try to take down the club."
"RICO? Isn't that where anything, past or present that's illegal activity, can be used as a means to get you guys locked up?"
"Pretty much. That's why they are going after Luann, Donna, you, and now Cherry."
"Cherry? The prospect's girl?"
"Yep. Apparently she had outstanding shit in Nevada or something. They arrested her. Unser got me into the jail to have Luann get a message to Otto about the RICO shit. They are letting her see him tomorrow. I also managed to break Cherry out of the jail and someone took her to the cabin."
"Isn't that going to get you guys into some serious shit?"
"Probably. But she kept screaming that she would rat if I didn't break out. That would have been worse, I think."
"Where were the other cops?"
"Bobby, Tig, and Piney started a bar fight across town and it sent most of them to deal with it so we could get in there to pass the message to Luann. There was no one but Hale and Stahl and Hale was face down in Stahl," he said and turned to give me a naughty grin.
"No way! Really?"
"Yep." He crawled his way toward me and once he was beside me, he leaned over to kiss my shoulder and then laid his head where he'd kissed me. I kissed the top of his head and buried my nose in his hair. He smelled of exhaust, cigarettes, and the last whiffs of his shampoo. He smelled like home. I laughed as I fully processed all he'd told me.
"Straight-laced Hale eating ATF pussy? Why am I not surprised?"
"Because he's always had sycophantic tendencies and it's not at all surprising that he would eat pussy to move himself to the top."
I couldn't fight back my naughty grin, even if he couldn't see it, and asked, "is that why you eat pussy?" He slowly lifted his head, and when his eyes met mine, they were shining with laughter. He smirked and bit his lip in a way that sent heat rushing through me, bending to kiss me in a way that made the muscles in my core clench. He released my lips and kissed his way down my neck, a hand cupping my opposite cheek. I moaned softly as his kisses slowly turned to gentle licking and sucking, his hand and mouth reaching the low neckline of nightgown at the same time. The same hand reached up and pulled the strap of the gown off my shoulder, then drifted back to my chest in a soft caress and slipped into the neckline. He pulled the gown gently out of the way, and it exposed my hardening nipple as he cupped my right breast. Pulling his mouth from me and adjusting himself so he rolled toward me, his hand never leaving my breast, he looked at me with dilated eyes.
"No, baby. I eat pussy so I can hear you scream." His voice was gruff with desire and his thumb rubbed across my nipple. My gasp was swallowed by his mouth and his tongue grazed mine. I whimpered, my book forgotten in my lap, and ran my fingers through his hair. His roaming hand released my breast and slowly made its way down my stomach until it reached my bare thigh. His fingers slipped under the hem of the nightgown, trailing up until he reached my panties...and paused. His mouth released mine with an audible 'pop' and he pulled back so our eyes met.
"Are you feeling okay? Your ribs aren't bothering you?" I smiled at his concern, knowing if I didn't feel up to anything, he would stop and we would just go to sleep.
"I'm okay. We can't be super rough or anything but, I think we're good to go." His answering smile made my heart race.
"I'll be gentle. The last thing I want is for you to have a setback. But first things first..." His mouth returned to mine but only briefly before trailing down my neck again. His fingers made themselves busy as they quickly separated me from my panties. His other hand pulled the left-sided strap of my gown down my shoulder until both of my breasts were exposed to him. He placed a wet kiss between them, groaning softly as his fingers teased my entrance. The same time he slipped his fingers inside me, his mouth latched on my right nipple, making me cry out and arch into him. I lost myself in the many sensations he brought through my body, grateful to be able to feel the euphoria of being close with him after a week of discomfort and pain.
He didn't bother with removing my nightgown. He just bunched it up over my hips, spread my thighs wide, and wasted no time devouring me. He brought me to orgasm three times and by the time I was approaching the fourth, I was screaming and begging him to fuck me. He slid himself inside me and we both gasped at the feeling. It had been too long. I lifted up slightly to kiss him, tasting myself on his lips, as he began to move. I could feel his barely restrained desire to be rougher but, true to his word, he remained gentle. When we were finished, he held me in his arms, my nightgown back in place, and buried his nose in my neck. I laid awake a little longer as he drifted off, my arms wrapped around his waist. His breathing evened out and all the muscles that had been tense in his back for days we relaxed under my touch. Peace covered me like a blanket and I drifted off, burrowing a little closer and his arms holding me a little tighter in his sleep.



"Happy is smuggling Cammy and Cherry out of the country?" I asked Gemma after I'd climbed out of her car when we got to the cabin. I was brought to make sure Cammy could travel safely. Jax and the entire club were already there, waiting for my okay to leave. Gemma met me in front of her car and we walked to the porch together.

"Yes. Stahl threatened her with extradition to Nevada because of the warrants and then she threatened to rat out the club to keep from going to prison." I scoffed.
"Makes me wonder if she was truly Old Lady material if she could rat so easily."
"She came here for Half-Sac. She wasn't here for the love of the club. That comes with time. You know that."
"I know but, it didn't help that you smashed her face with a skate-board." She gave me an amused look before stepping up the porch steps and opening the door.
"You'd probably do worse to anyone who so much as sniffs around Jax in your presence, Darlin'. Or do you deny your territorial instincts?"
"Absolutely not! If she'd have been sniffing around Jax, we wouldn't be having this conversation. She wouldn't be here at all."
"I rest my case."
After greeting everyone and kissing my Old Man, I went to Cammy who was lying stomach-down on the worn couch. I set up some fresh badges so I could clean and change his wound, making small talk as I did just that. I heard Gemma go to the bedroom and yell for the prospect and Cherry that it was time to go.
"Your wound is healing nicely, Cameron. I think I can send you off with a clean-ish bill of health," I said as I pulled the waistband of his pants back into place.
"Thanks, love." I nodded and moved to stand where Jax was sitting. His hands instantly went to my hips and I placed a hand on his shoulder.
"His dressings need to be changed everyday," I said so only he could hear. "As long as he doesn't do much, he should be fine."
"Thanks," he said, squeezing my hips gently. "How are your ribs today? Are you sore?"
"Not anymore than I was before. You don't have to be as careful with me, you know? I'm healing."
"I just don't want to set you back any further or cause anymore pain." I wrapped my arms around his neck, bending slightly to kiss him, his arms wrapping around my waist.
"You won't. I'll be okay," I said and pulled back, dazzled by the smile on his lips and the living shining in his eyes. My hands lightly grazed his facial hair and I tried to not melt into a puddle on the floor. About to kiss him again, I was interrupted by Gemma.
"Irishman good to go?" Jax and I both turned toward her and I grinned.
"Yeah, he's good." She nodded at Jax and then came over and kissed my cheek, smiling like a proud momma.
"Thanks, Darlin'. Don't know what we'd do without you."
"It's no problem at all and I fully believe you would be able to carry on without me if you needed to. Fortunately for you, I have no intentions of going anywhere whatsoever."
"Better not," Jax said and gave my ass a small tap, making me giggle like a teenager. Gemma just grinned and shook her head at her son's antics. Happy came inside the same time the prospect and Cherry emerged from the back of the cabin.
"Ready for the road trip, kids?"
They didn't say anything and Jax excused himself from me and jumped up to bro-hug Happy, me following behind him to hug him as well. Cameron approached Gemma and offered her his rosary, muttering something only she could hear. She grinned mildly at him and hugged him briefly and went to the front door. Cherry hovered behind Gemma almost timidly but it wasn't because she was afraid of her. It was out of respect. Gemma, who was quite a bit taller than Cherry, bent to hug her tightly. It surprised me that Gemma had a begrudging respect for Cherry as well.
I stood in the doorway as everyone said their farewells to Cherry and went outside. She got into the delivery truck after Half-Sac kissed her and he went to his bike parked next to Jax's, who was already seated and ready to leave. Gemma came up behind me and hovered like the momma-bear she was and we watched them leave.
"Come on," she said, "let's clean up some and then head back to the clubhouse. We'll see them later tonight." I nodded and went to clean up the mess I left with the bandages. I heard Gemma puttering around the kitchen and I straightened up the living room. As I got lost in the task of tidying, a prickle of dread hit me in the gut. I couldn't believe it was so easy to evade the ATF. I just prayed whatever that bitch had up her sleeve next didn't change everything...for the worst.

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