Caught in Another's Drama

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[A/N: Well, here's the next installment. Hope you guys like this one. It's a bit long but it took some time to find a good stopping place. I've also been trying to find a way to incorporate Kohn with Jax and Charlie and still make him crazy for Tara. I'm moving right along with it so, hopefully by the time the Kohn storyline comes to a head, it will be good and exciting. Now, that's enough chatter. On with the story! As always, feel free to let me know what you think. I greatly enjoy hearing from you. Also, please forgive any typos that I might have missed. Happy reading!]


It was still dark when I woke up the next morning. Sometime during the night, Charlie and I had moved to opposite sides of the bed so I rolled closer to her. I wrapped my arm around her, slipping the arm I was laying on underneath her pillow and pushed closer to her until my nose was buried in her hair. She sighed in her sleep and sank into me. I couldn't fight the smile if I wanted to.

She'd been a total wild cat when we'd gone to bed. She finally allowed herself the freedom of letting go of her control, knowing there wouldn't be anyone listening on the other side of the door and there was no threat of someone barging in if we somehow forgot to lock everyone out. It made me realize how long overdue we'd been in moving away from the clubhouse. It suited my needs when it was just me but now that it was me, a kid, and my old mom had been right. We needed to be a family unit by ourselves and not constantly be surrounded by the club. I saw them every day. I didn't need to eat, sleep, and breathe all the chaos at the center. I guess it took the right girl to appreciate the peace and contentment that could be found in your own place. We'd been at the house less than twenty-four hours and already it was the best decision we'd made since choosing each other.

"Why are you awake so early?" she mumbled, her voice quiet and full of sleep. I kissed the back of her head where my face was buried.

"I'm going with your brother and dad to tie up loose ends with those assholes this morning. I don't have to be up just yet, though." I moved my arm up to where hers was under her pillow and wove my fingers with hers, molding my body fully against hers. She sank further into my embrace with a soft moan and I felt my cock twitch to life against the soft skin of her ass. She released a quiet laugh and her breath hitched as she felt me there. I grinned.

"You never get enough, do you?"

"Apparently not. Are you complaining?"

"I would never complain about such things. Your stamina works in my favor." I laughed and inhaled where my nose was buried in her hair. She smelled like her shampoo, perfume, and sex and I was rock hard instantly. It amazed me how I could fuck her all night and still want more after we woke up. I'd never wanted someone so much, all the time, and no one ever responded to me the way she did. She was ready as much as I was. Even now, after we'd been sated many times over, I still ached to be inside her. I released her fingers and slid my hand down her body, the tips of my fingers grazing her left nipple, circling her bellybutton, until I slid my fingers into her wet folds. She gasped as I groaned and bit the spot between her neck and her shoulder gently.

"Is this for me?" My voice had taken a deeper, rougher edge as she spread her legs enough to allow me to dip two fingers deep inside her. She was soaking. She gave me a husky laugh.

"It's always for you, baby."

"Better be," I said possessively, biting her neck harder. She moaned, reaching behind her and gently grabbing my cock. I groaned louder when she squeezed me.

"Just like this is always for me," she said and I heard the same possessiveness in her tone. She had no idea how much she owned me. Since I was twenty-one, I'd never been able to fuck any other woman and not wish it were her. Now that I had her, I couldn't get enough and I would never let her go. Her feelings of possession made my dick swell in her hand. I hissed when she ran her thumb over the tip.

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