Madman's Snare

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[A/N: Hey readers! I don't have a whole lot to say about this one. Once again, please excuse the typos. Hopefully I can start working on the next part tomorrow but, we shall see. Let me know what you think and, as always, happy reading!]


"Where am I?"

My head throbbed as I awoke but all I saw was darkness. I was laying with my hands tied behind me and my feet were tied together, making movement impossible. Everything was dark, stuffy, and there was a hum beneath where I was laying. A trunk. I was in the trunk of someone's car. Sharp panic sliced through me as I tried to scream but, I was gagged. I wracked my brain trying to remember how I got ended up inside a trunk but all I could remember was when I got to the truck and was about to climb in when I heard someone behind me. Before I could turn around, something hit me on the back of the head and everything went dark.

After several minutes of attempting to calm my erratic breathing, the car slowed until it eventually stopped entirely. I jumped when the car door slammed after the engine cut off and my heart pounded in my chest. Seconds later, the trunk opened and I was face to face with the man who was supposed to have had a police escort from Charming.

"Hello Sunshine," he said with fake enthusiasm. "You and I have a message to send to our favorite high school sweethearts. Come." He jerked me out of the car, throwing me over his shoulder. I surveyed my surroundings as best as I could and recognized the front of Tara's house. I kicked and screamed through my gag but he just ignored me and carried me around the back of the house where he kicked open the back door until we were inside Tara's living room. He opened several doors before he pushed me onto the floor of the coat closet.

"You can stay here until I get everything set up for Tara." The way he said her name was grating and I yelled through the gag as he slammed the door.

It was dead quiet in the midst of old clothes and musty boxes but I could hear Kohn making loud noises once in a while. I could only imagine what he meant by getting things set up for Tara. My head throbbed and I had to rest it against the door frame. I wasn't sure but I suspected I had a concussion from being knocked out. My arms were tired and sore from being pulled at an unnatural angle and my eyes burned with tears. I wanted Jax. He had no way of knowing I'd been taken, trapped by a madman, and I didn't have any of my belongings. After several minutes, he opened the door again and stared down at me as I squinted against the sudden bright light.

"Come on, pet, I have special plans for you." He pulled me until I was standing up and turned me around. He unlocked the handcuffs he'd put on my wrists and made me face him again. I didn't know what he was expecting. Maybe he was used to meek women who obeyed his every word or women who were too afraid to fight back. I was neither of these types of women. Seeing my only opportunity, I yanked my hands free from his and punched him in the nose. Blood sprayed everywhere but it didn't stop me from hitting his face three more times hard enough to send him to the ground. However, I didn't think about the fact that my feet were still tied together and I couldn't run. I managed to hop away a few feet but I had to stop and untie myself. I'd almost gotten free but to no avail. He was on me and tackled me to the floor. Although I tried my damnedest to fight him off, he rolled me over until I was on my back and he had me pinned down. I froze, staring up at his repulsive face, smelling the onion on his breath from what he'd eaten earlier in the day. Nausea made my stomach roll, yet I couldn't move.

"I knew you'd be a feisty one," he said, leering at me. He leaned his head down until he was mere inches from my face. "Just like a wild animal, I can't wait to break you in."

He stood, leaving me petrified to the floor as he stared down at me. I didn't expect it when he lifted his leg back and gave me a swift, hard kick in my right side. I screamed from the pain and the feeling of a rib crack on impact. I curled in a ball, rolling to my right to protect what he'd just broken, and he kicked me again in the stomach. The tears I'd fought since my nightmare began escaped from my eyes and I fought for air through the gag. He bent, pulling my arms from where I was cradling my side and tied them together, foregoing the handcuffs and choosing rope instead. They were tied so tight I could feel them going numb. Surprisingly, he cut the rope he'd used for my feet although I could no longer run if I wanted to. I could barely breathe through the pain in my abdomen and I was certain he knew it.

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