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Chapter 64: Rise and Never Die (1)
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An Ning nodded with a smile, and picked up a Chinese cigarette on the shelf. "This time Liang Guike is happy. This pack of cigarettes has already saved several boxes. It is estimated that it will not be smoked in a few years."

"Hey, it's the end of the world, how can we live like heaven!" An Ping ripped a packet of chocolate and bit out.

"Heaven?" An Ning stunned slightly, then shook his head with a low smile, "Heaven is only one line away from hell."

Anping froze for a while, as if he had understood something, he said nothing, and helped Anning continue to sort out the items.

The cousin said it well. At this time, heaven and hell are really only one line apart. Perhaps he was still eating chocolate happily for a second, and his throat was bitten by a corpse rushing out of the darkness the next second.  .

Thinking of the corpse, An Ping shuddered, and subconsciously looked into the store, and saw a silence, which relieved him.

After the two men sorted out their things, they turned and walked out of the shop. The outside was still very quiet, and they couldn't even hear the wind.

At this moment, a low roar rang through his ears, An Ning's unconscious sideways, a zombie with a terrible face flew over from his side, and rushed directly to An Ping behind An Ning!

Anping screamed, the chocolate fell to the ground in his hand, looking at the gray cheeks of the zombies in the distance, he reacted at once, pulled out the dagger and stabbed!

The dagger pierced into the zombie's eyes, and the zombie's hands had touched Anping's neck dangerously. At this moment, Anning raised the Tang knife and cut off the zombie's hands, and Anping's dagger also pierced into the zombie's eyes.  Black blood splashes!

Anning pulled away Anping, raised his knife to the head of the zombie again, and cut off his head with a knife, which relieved him.

And at this moment, a low roar sounded one after another. In the distance, more than a dozen zombies walked along with their feet!

Anning froze for a moment, then a smile appeared on her lips, and she looked at Anping, "Now is a good time to practice gun shooting."

Anping blinked, his pale face turned slightly better, remembering the cousin's singular ability to decompose zombies, and his confidence suddenly soared. He pulled out his pistol around his waist, shot the zombies as targets, and shot!

Retreating while shooting, An Ning paid attention to the retreat and saw no movement behind him. Then he pulled out the pistol and pulled the trigger together with An Ping.

If they were known by others, the sister and brother were thinking of practicing guns under the siege of a dozen zombies, and they thought they would startle their teeth.

Among the dozen or so zombies, there were two red-eyed zombies. Anping served an energy ball, and the rest was taken away by An Ning.

After that, the two continued to sweep the shops and stores all the way. It was very fruitful to come down one night, and the companions also hunted different numbers of energy balls, which increased their strength. At present, everyone is no longer concerned about the red-eye zombies.  Fear, it is very easy to deal with.

At dawn the next day, everyone looked tired and returned to the ambush place to gather with Wang Yong's men, but it was useless to lead back a zombie, which surprised the people very much. When they saw the blood stains on them, they were shocked.  Have you dealt with the zombie?"

A group of Anning went out to do bait, and the action of killing the zombies when they moved apart immediately spread to every corner of the school. Wang Yong hurriedly heard the news and asked the first sentence, "Is there any red eyes found?  Zombie, or a mutated animal?"

An Ning's eyes lit up, and this guy really discovered this mystery, and he wanted to improve his strength by this too!

But there is nothing wrong with it. The zombies contain energy balls. Sooner or later, they will not be able to contain the fire. People will find the mystery sooner or later. At that time, humans may still have to survive, fight, and multiply.  .

Presumably by then, this dark era will be another scene, becoming an era of strong generations!

But now, it is not the right time to say this. Let me not say how many people can hunt zombies here. It means that Lieutenant Liang has not been resolved. An Ning does not think it is wise to say this now.

For City Y, An Ning has another idea. Maybe she can lead everyone and make this a solid iron pass. It is not too late to set foot on the road of finding power!

After going back, the news of Anning's newcomers fighting with the zombies quickly spread throughout the school.

Most of the refugees saw the legs of the zombies soften, and the things were as terrifying as the hungry ghosts in the hell. The normal people dared not stare at them. How can they fight or kill the zombies?

Therefore, in the eyes of ordinary people, killing zombies is tantamount to swaying in front of the eyes of death, which requires great courage.

And the couple of An Ning, who went out to make bait in the middle of the night, didn't return all night, and returned to the station with the smelly black blood after dawn, which made everyone look at them with awe.

When Wang Yong learned that they had returned to the station, the first sentence he asked was whether they had hunted the red-eyed zombies or mutant animals.

An Ning sneered in his heart, but there was a quiet answer on his face, "The red-eyed zombie did not see it, the red-eyed patient saw one."

"What red eye patient?" Wang Yong asked eagerly.

An Ning smiled slightly, but silently, while the followers were laughing lightly.

Isn't Anning scolding Wang Yong for his anxious eyes?

Wang Yong also seemed to react at this moment, and his face was angry immediately, "Don’t think you can kill two zombies. It’s a great thing. At least half of the people in the whole city are infected by zombies. Can you kill them?  It’s not that I provide you with a refuge, what day do you think you can live?"

"Hum, I'll live longer than you!" Little Leaf snorted coldly. With the energy she got by swallowing the energy ball, she no longer looked at things like Wang Yong.

"Little girl film, believe it or not, I will collapse you now!" Wang Yong could no longer pretend that deep look, and immediately showed his fierce appearance!

He was an ordinary worker. What kind of food, drink, and bet does not matter?  Which one does not touch?  On weekdays, there are even swear words, and I haven't been to school for a few days. If it was not some cultural refugees who helped plan this school, I am afraid that he would have been messed up.

And he is also respected by others. Where did the small citizens who were struggling at the bottom of the society have enjoyed this respected treatment, and they were immediately floating, and learned the appearance of the big brothers on TV, and put on a deep face  Let people who don’t know the truth think he was a real person before

"You are the girl's film!" The small leaves raised their eyebrows, and their small faces were stretched. The beautiful and pleasant appearance made people want to take a bite.

Wang Yong was stunned for a moment. He hadn't really looked at this little girl before. Now he will take a closer look. The long one is water spirit.  Looking up again, Luo Xin, who has a hot body, is also beautiful and beautiful, and Anning is also fair and beautiful. Although it is not as delicate as Luo Xin's appearance, it makes people look extremely comfortable.

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