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79 Su Qi (2)
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Su Qi staggered up from the ground, suddenly rushed into An Ning's arms, and wept bitterly.

Fat fish saw the two met, and then put away the pistol.

Later, Ma Han took the two to the dormitory building. According to Su Qi, many students were trapped in the dormitory, because every time they went to school, they brought many fruits and food, plus the school supermarket was downstairs in the bedroom.  Bold people went to the supermarket to get food after avoiding zombies, so some people supported them.

In this way, several people rescued a group of students trapped in the supermarket, and also rescued a crowd of people in the bedroom, most of them girls.

After the rescue of these people, An Ning made the same method and used the loud noise to lead the zombies away, and the crowd successfully escaped outside the school.

The number of these survivors is not large, only one hundred and ten, and five military trucks can sit completely.

In the car, An Ning gently comforted Su Qi, the girl was obviously frightened, and the one hiding behind her turned out to be her boyfriend, Zhang Heng.

"Sister Anning, what you said is true? You really don't need to hide those monsters in the future?" After listening to Anning's ideas, Su Qi said in surprise.

An Ning nodded with a smile, feeling that after going through these things, he could never find the kind of carefree feeling at the beginning. It seemed that he was tens of years old in an instant, and he was heavy-hearted, and consumed his mind daily for how to survive.

The car drove all the way to the school where the refugees took refuge, and among the students brought back by An Ning, many people even found their families in the refuge, and the rest had to cry in tears to lose their parents.

When these students were handed over to Luc, An Ning strode into the school and quickly summoned a crowd of people, including those brought by himself, and some team leaders and some managers who were promoted from the refugees.

"From now on, everyone will practice the marksmanship in batches, instead of being precise, we just need to use it. Starting from the day after tomorrow, we will separate several teams of horses and use the school as the center point to clean up the nearby zombies in pieces.  A safe zone. As for the cement and sand are ready, everyone will work together and we need to build a city in this zone!"

Everyone pays more attention to it. Fatty then handed over the drawings made in the past two days to Anning. Anning spread the drawings and pointed to the above, "It is impossible to enclose the whole city, so we can only use  The school is the central point, radiating to the surroundings, and sorting out a large area of ​​safety as much as possible. The advantage of using this as the central point is that there are many residential buildings around, and the accommodation problem will be easier to solve.

In the drawings, a towering city wall jumped on the paper, the atmosphere was magnificent, and the middle was centered on the school, that is, a range planned by Anning, and the whole building came to life!

Don’t forget that Fat Fish used to be an architect. Through all the materials he is currently looking for, plus manpower and material resources, he has estimated the specific time to build the city wall.

If thousands of people work together, it will be completed within half a year!

This is a huge project!

In the following days, everyone started to practice gun practice. Those who were familiar with the marksmanship followed the team to clean up the zombies. The entire refugee camp became more and more orderly and more and more angry!

On weekdays, older women do laundry and take care of men, while girls of the appropriate age follow Luo Xin to exercise and practice marksmanship in case of unexpected needs.

Men work hard to survive and their families. Hunting zombies has become a daily necessity.

On the other hand, Anning and his partners also drove between Y City and S City, using Wang Yong’s method to gather people with horns, and transported the surviving people to Y City.  Edible food, seeds, and supplies as usual.

In this way, a month passed.

The neighborhood has been cleaned up. As the zombies are cleaned up, the foundation has been built. Anning is full of confidence in the future.

But at this moment, an unexpected thing happened.

In the early morning of that day, the sky had just lighted up, and the yellowish color was scattered through the window into the floor of the room.

Anning in his sleep faintly heard a series of noisy sounds, opened his eyes suddenly, sat up from the bed, and then looked barely out of the window.

I saw that at the main entrance of the school, hundreds of people had already assembled, and outside the school gate, a group of about a hundred people in leather armor were all heavily armed tall men. They were holding their own!

An Ning frowned, and murmured, "Are you still here?"

When the words fell, she turned back and put on her clothes, picked up the Tang Sword and got upstairs.

When they came to the playground, when everyone saw peace, they all automatically gave way to a passage.  The guy outside the door was stunned for a moment, then looked at Anning with a blank expression.

Going to the gate, An Ning raised his hand slightly and motioned to open the gate.

Luc, who was originally expressionless, stepped up and led the school door open.

The people outside the back door rushed in with a hula, and the guns in their hands were aimed at An Ning and the others. At a glance, they could see that the other party was well-trained.

"Who is your head." An Ning inserted the tip of the knife into the ground, and Han Ye Luoxin and others stood in a row, all looking at the group of leather people outside with cold eyes.

Everyone in leather was proud, and the crowd slowly separated. A flat, short, but very strong little man walked out of the crowd, and looked at Anning with a blank expression. "Call your leader out, from today,  Everything here is taken over by us."

The voice fell, and there was an uproar behind An Ning. Some people yelled, some disdain, and some couldn't believe it.

An Ning smiled coldly, "The leather armor in the city was searched by your people?"

City Y is a big city with an unusually large area, which is why An Ning cannot enclose the entire city in the bag. In the past, An Ning found that the leather armor in the city was stolen, so I thought of it in Y  The city is likely to have another group of horses.

Moreover, in the near future, the nearby zombies were cleaned up. Anning also took the opportunity to send Mahan and others to the east of the city to find out that there were a large number of zombies there, but they did detect the existence of another wave of people and they were stationed in the army in the east of the city.  It seems that the soldiers have survived.

These soldiers must have discovered their existence as early as possible, but they did not know what the reason was, and they never showed up.

Now it seems that the other party wants to take advantage of the fisherman!

And from Anning to Y City, two months have passed, I think the other party's food has been eaten!

Thinking of this, An Ning was extremely disdainful. If the other party was really a soldier and didn't know to protect the people at that moment, it would be a good idea now...

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