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54 Killing Night

Anning looked back at Lieutenant Liang, and found that his clothes were ragged, and there was black blood all over his body and face.

Behind Lieutenant Liang, there are only seven or eight people who are wearing police uniforms or messy military uniforms. Behind them, there are actually more than a dozen people, mostly strong men, who should also follow the crowd.  All rushed out.

Thinking of the old and weak women and children, in that case, it must have been ruthlessly abandoned, and An Ning's heart was indescribable.

Turning around, ignoring Lieutenant Liang's question, the crowd began to set up a tent and took out the dry food. They did not dare to fire, fearing that they might attract zombies.

On the opposite side, Lieutenant Liang and his party were all haggard and tired, hungry, and only had a little food on their bodies. The food was shared by the people, and they could not stick to it for two days.  In the car of An Ning and others.

Everyone can see that this kind of car is extremely safe and can store a lot of food and even rest in the car.

The sky was completely dark. Lieutenant Liang's men picked up some dry firewood and lit a bonfire, but Ma Han brought his brothers forward and couldn't help but said that the firewood was extinguished. Lieutenant Liang and his team reacted after they extinguished.  , Immediately shouted and scolded and backed up his gun, forming a tendency of confrontation with An Ning.

"Damn, you're going to die, nobody's stopping, stay away! Don't fucking take us!" Ma Han yelled, turned around and walked back, not taking the threat of these people's guns into his eyes.

"We have a fire to control you. There can be a few zombies in the wilderness. Even if it comes, so many people will still die. I think you are broken by the zombies! It's hard to imagine that you don't take fire in the cold weather.  Freeze to death!" A policewoman wearing a police uniform stood up, raised her chest, and stared at the crowd.

Ma Han and others were shocked. The woman was wearing a police uniform and a police cap. She was in a tattered state. If she didn't speak, she really didn't recognize it as a woman.

At this time, the big smoker smoking a cigarette on the side stool sitting on the sideline had his teeth sneered and said with a sneer, "If only the zombies fell, it would be better to say, huh, don't you forget the cadavers that caused you heavy casualties?"

Mentioning the corpse, Lieutenant Liang and his entourage took a breath!

Speaking of the corpse, Lieutenant Liang and his team were all limped down, and took back the pistol without saying anything.

The policewoman sat back with a snort, "If the stinky mouse dare to come again, be careful I hit its head!"

Luo Xin looked at her coldly and said softly, "The corpse is beside us, and I suspect that it understands our language and is very revengeful."

The policewoman's face suddenly turned white, and she watched cautiously in the depths of the woods, closing her mouth tightly and daring not to speak.

Ma Han and others all chuckled, and Luo Xin was obviously scaring her, and the policewoman took it seriously.

After eating dry food, a group of people took out mineral water from their backpacks. No matter 3, 21, 21, they poured it into their mouths, letting Lieutenant Liang and his colleagues see their eyes straight, and they were more certain that there must be a lot of them in their car.  Food and water.

At this time, the big smoker saw that everyone was full of energy, and immediately beckoned everyone to let them gather, and everyone formed a circle, so that Lieutenant Liang was unknown ten meters away.

The big smoker took the energy ball picked up outside the supermarket from his pocket and handed it to An Ning. "These things fell after you broke down the zombie. I counted them. There are six in total."

Everyone took a breath. Doesn't it mean that among the zombies just now, there are no fewer than six zombies with red eyes alone?

An Ning took the energy ball, and according to the original agreement, distributed it to the Mahan who had not eaten it at last. Luo Xin and the two swallowed the energy ball and hurried into the car to avoid being seen by Lieutenant Liang and others.  What's wrong.

Looking at the remaining four energy balls in his hand, An Ning distributed it to his parents, An Ping and Uncle.

Neither the aunt nor the aunt can fight the zombies, but the father and mother An have experienced fighting, so give them a little energy, everyone can barely protect themselves, this will reduce the burden on the team.

"According to our initial agreement, now the entire team has improved its strength, so in the future, who killed the zombies, the energy ball belongs to whom! The loot belongs to your own income, do you have any opinions?" An Ning held Tang Dao, but no face  The expression looked at everyone and asked.

Everyone has no opinion, and the method of tranquility is very reasonable. Otherwise, everyone will hit the energy ball in the future and they have to hand it over for distribution. It will inevitably be a bit of a conflict in their hearts. Now, everyone has the strength to kill the zombies and the future spoils.  Owning one's own is indeed justified.

What's more, An Ning really convinced everyone. At least until now, the energy spheres were all obtained by her, but she didn't devour any of them herself, but helped the whole team to improve its strength.

So everyone has no objections on this matter, they are all ready to do a big fight.

At this moment, Xiaoye walked to Luo Xin and whispered, "Sister Luo, you... can you train me to make me as powerful as you?"

Luo Xin was stunned for a moment, and then An Ning also said, "Sister Luo, you and Marco also train me."

Luo Xin's cold lips seemed to rip and nod, "Since that is the case, let's start tomorrow. Although An Ning is a little late, it is better than the physical fitness itself, and the small leaf is 13 years old.  it is good."

Although An Ning is 22 years old, her physique has been transformed by the baptism of meteorite energy and has become the carrier of the original meteorite energy. It is different from ordinary people and has a greater advantage than ordinary people!

Anping was fifteen years old this year and also joined the training. What made Anning unexpected was that even her aunt and parents had to undergo some simple combat training, and Luo Xin said, "Tomorrow, starting from the most basic  Practice."

Lieutenant Liang and his party heard that the old, weak women and children here would all have to be trained, and they suddenly cast unbelievable eyes. In their eyes, are these women crazy?

It doesn't matter if a woman is crazy, why do these men accompany them crazy?  Don't they know that after a lot of exercise, they will consume a lot of food and water?

In the eyes of Lieutenant Liang and others, the practice of Han Ye and others was a waste of food.

At night, the sky was dark, and Lieutenant Liang and others were not sleeping. They secretly prepared to grab the car of An Ning and others to escape, and because of the cold weather, they could not make a fire to warm up. They were indeed unable to sleep.

However, Anning and others are different. They set up warm tents, covered them with thick mattresses and blankets, and nestled in the warm and windproof tents.

The vigil is peaceful.

Originally, all the people in Mahan demanded a vigil, but An Ning said, "Tomorrow you still have to drive, and I have enough rest in the car this afternoon. I can still rest in the car tomorrow. Besides, I am the strongest of all.  Give it to me tonight."

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