The one and only

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Doctor- y/n is gonna be okay she is a fighter
C- can I see her
D- yeah but shes not awake yet
I text the group chat to let them know that shes gonna be okay
He shows me to her room I run over grab a chair and sit right next to her holding her hand. I talk to her and keep kissing her hand I feel her squeeze my hand I look up and see her awake
C-omg thank god your okay I'm so sorry
Y- it's fine trust me
                          Our pov
I wake up in the hospital and see colby next to me
C- please wake up I love you and kat is okay shes fine
He keeps kissing my hand so I decide to squeeze his hand he looks up and say sorry I say it's fine he kisses me and I kiss back
C- I'm so happy that your okay
Y- how's k-
K- omg your okay she runs over to me and hugs me tight
Y- I'm so sorry I didnt want this to happen to you
K- it's fine just be happy that were okay
We start to cry still hugging each other
Y- I'm hungry*sniff haha
K- me and sam are gonna get taco bell do you want some
K- Colby you want some
C- yes please
Kat leaves and I look over at colby
Y- hey can you lay with me
C-uh yeah
I scoot over and lay on his chest
C- hey y/n I have a question...
Y- okay what's up
C- I didnt want to ask you in this situation but do you wanna be my girlfriend?
Y- yes colby
I kiss him and cuddle with him. The doc comes in to check on me and says I should be able to go back home in about a week. Kat goes back with everyone else coming through the door
T- thank god your okay
S- so I guess you finnaly asked her
C- yeah
J- my Bruva finnaly has a girl
C- omg stop bruva
Cr- I'm so sorry y/n this is my fault only if i knew what happened i wouldn't have brought him over to brenens
Y- hey none of you blame yourselves we didnt know this was gonna happen like we cant predict the future so let's be happy that me and kat are okay and are safe.
Cr- yeah your right
Y- colbs can you ask the doc when I'm gonna be able to leave
C- ofcourse
Colby gives me a kiss and leaves
Cr- so I was wondering when you get out of here if you guys wanted to make a vid with me and elton
Y- For sure
Colby walks in
C- they said in 3 days
Y- ugh
C- you'll be fine I will be here with you 24/7
Cr- hey colby I asked y/n if you guys want to make a vid with me and elton
C- yeah man I'm down
K- hey guys were back
Y- it smells so yummy!!!
We start to eat our taco bell and enjoy the rest of the night

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