Wanna dance

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A couple months have passed and we've been going to our doctors appointments to make sure the baby is healthy we're a month away from finding out the gender which kat has decided to throw a gender reveal party for us
The door bells rings
Y- I'll get it
C- no no you stay here I'll go get it
He gets up and answers the door
C- mi amor someone is at the door for you
Y- what really I should have just answered the door
Colbys comes over and helps me get up
Y- thank you for helping me but I'm not at the point where it's hard for me to get up I'm just 10 weeks
C- I know but still
??- are you y/n
Y- yeah
??- im Carlo and I'm from the babel dance company and our director has requested you specifically to join our dance for this season
Y- oh wow really but idk if I can I'm like pregnant right now
Ca- that's perfect and also congratulations
I have a confused face
Y- thank you but what do you mean that's perfect
Ca- your part of the dance is you being pregnant so we were going to strap a fake belly on you but since you are already we wouldn't have to worry about it
Y- oh wow ok well can I have some time to think
Ca- for sure here is our contact information and let us know asap when you have decided
Y- ok I will
He leaves and Colby closes the door
C- hm you should do it
Y- what why
C- mi amor I can tell you enjoy dancing when I watched you performing with artem at dancing with the stars you always had the biggest smile on your face and I can tell that you were enjoying dancing and I'm sure this company won't do anything that will put the baby at risk
Y- hmm fine I'll do it but I'll let them know tomorrow
C- I'm so excited for you
He kisses me
Y- can we go shopping
C- yeah of course let's go get ready
Y- yay
We get ready and I'm wearing loose clothing cause we haven't told the fans yet because I'm absolutely terrified of what they are going to say and we didn't want the attention
Me and Colby leave to the mall
Y- when are going to tell the fans about the baby
C- whenever your ready to mi amor
Y- I don't think I'll ever be ready to but I know it's better for it to get off my chest than keeping it a secret from them
C- yeah your right... we can tell them later on tonight and we can have them play a game to figure it out or like we can invite one of the viewers to play the game on live and like they can figure it out and can help us tell the rest the news
Y- yeah I like that idea
We ran into a few fans I couldn't actually give them a good hug cause then they would feel the bump we take pictures and chat with them for a little after the fans left we went into target but I felt like we were being followed
Y- babe I feel like we're being followed
C- it's ok mi amor my fans don't take anything that far and I promise that nothing is going to happen
Y- ok
He hugs me tight then after we go to target and go to the baby section and me and Colby start picking out some baby cloths that can be worn be a boy or girl We buy the clothes and continue walking around the mall
Then me and Colby's phone start blowing up
I look what I was tagged in and it was a picture of me and Colby with baby clothes at target and has the caption with "y/n is pregnant with Colby Brock's baby and is hiding it from us"
Y- babe
I start having a panic attack
C- hey hey hey it's ok... just look at me
A security passes by
Se- is everything ok
C- yeah she's just having a panic attack can you please bring us a water
Se- yeah
We sit down on the bench and he holds my hand
C- mi amor come one breath with me
I nod my head
C- breath in.....and breath out
We do it for a few minutes and the secured can back with water
Colby helped me calm down a bit and we went to the car just to leave home I'm shaking my leg a lot and kinda crying
He's still holding my hand and trying to calm me down
We finally get to the house and we just stay outside
I just put my head against his chest and he's still helping me with breathing exercises I finally calm down
We just stay in the room and a few hours passed
Colby and I decided it was time just to tell the fans
Colby goes live on his phone and his fans already blow up with the chat asking if I'm pregnant and me and Colby decided to just tell them straight up that I'm pregnant
C- hey guys you probably saw the pictures that are surfing the internet right now and first of all that's invading our privacy and you guys promised me that you wouldn't invade our life like that and you wouldn't take stalking us that far y/n had a panic attack after seeing what was posted and that is not right she should be able to live her life without feeling of someone stalking us while we are at the mall
Everyone starts to apologize in the chat
Y- me and Colby have decided just to tell you guys straight up but yes the rumors are true
C- y/n is pregnant and I would like you guys to give us a little more privacy and not stalk us while at the mall or anywhere else because we want our baby to be safe and I want y/n to feel safe to go out
All the fans congratulate us and agree that they would give us some more privacy and not stalk us out in public

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