Its done

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I wake up in the hospital it reminds me of a similar situation in the past colby in the same spot with really puffy and red eyes but this time I can tell he's in more pain
Y- Colby it's ok
He looks up and gets the biggest smile on his face
C- oh my god I'm so glad your okay
He stands up and kisses me
He the hugs me for a while
C- why mi amor we really need to stop coming to the hospital every few weeks or every month
Y- yeah I know
I cup his cheek with my hand
C- why'd you turn us around you were already lost a lot of blood
Y- cause I love you colby and I didn't want you guys to get hurt I just lost devyn and I couldn't live knowing that I lost you
Tears start streaming down his face
C- I wouldn't be able to live knowing that I was the one that was supposed to get stabbed and you died for me
Y- I know I'm sorry anyways this was my-
C- that's why I'm here for I'm here to help you take care of you and love you and want to start a family with you in the future and still take care of you protect you and love you till the day I die
I start to tear up a little
Y- I'm sorry
I start crying
C- hey hey no don't cry I'm not mad okay i was just really really scared and I'm just so glad your okay and everyone else is okay and your mom and josh are gonna be gone forever and mike is gone forever we can be free now
I sit up and he sits on the bed and hugs me
C- I love you y/n and that promise ring shows that I love you and I promise to be with you when I propose and when we get married and have a family till I die
Y- I love you too colby
He keeps me in his arms for a while then we hear a knock at the door it was the nurse
N- hey your awake we are just going to run some tests and then we'll see when your gonna be released
Y- okay
The nurse smiles and walks outside to grab her kart with some stuff in it
I absolutely hate needles and I'm glad I was knocked out when they out the iv's in me
N- luckily for you today we won't be running any tests with needles it's just a urine sample and we're gonna do a few other tests
Y- oh thank god
Colby squeezes me hand and smiles
I lean against his shoulder while she logs into her thing. After the tests it was time to waist for the results and see when I'm able to be released
Y- babe
C- yes
Y- uhhh I'm kinda hungry
C- do you want me to see what they have downstairs
Y- can I go with you
C- you stay here and rests you don't need to be getting up
Y- but please what if I ask the nurse to bring a wheelchair
C- fine
I ring in the nurse and ask if I can go downstairs to see what they have to eat and she said yes and brought me a wheel chair and she helped colby cause I still had to have the iv's in me so she was pushing the stand or whatever it is with my iv
Y- since you work here out of the food they have now which would you say is at least pretty decent
N- mmm I would say their sandwiches cause the other food always is cooked earlier and they serve it cold which isn't the best
Y- ok thank you can you get me a sandwich and a sweet tea please
C- of course would you like anything
N- oh no I can't I'm not on break yet but thank you tho
he leave me with the nurse at the table and orders our food
He came back with the food and we ate and had many interesting topics to talk about
N- Honestly you guys would make such an amazing family you two are perfect for each other
Y- aw thank you do you have any kids
N- yeah I have a daughter she with my husband right now
She shows us a picture of her
Y- awwww she's so cute how old is she
N- 4 and it feels like time flies by
C- yeah it really does
N- when do you guys plan on having kids
Y- oh well he got me a promise ring a few days ago and I just need a small break after what happened
N- oh ok well we should probably get back to you room before the doctor gets mad
Y- yeah that's true
We still have an ongoing conversation all the way back to my room
N- ok well let me know if you guys need anything and I'll be back with the doctor so he can tell you your results and when your able to go back home
Y- okay thank you

Hey guys this one is going to be a as long as the others sorry

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