The Post

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I wake up still in Colbys arms. I check my phone and see my phone has been blowing up since last night. I look at my phone and I saw the post Colby posted last night and you can see my ring Crystal clear.
Y/n- OH NO!
Colby wakes up frantically
C- ahh what's wrong! Are you okay! Did someone break into the house?!??
Y/n- no but the picture you posted shows my rings they probably think it's an engagement ring
I show him the post and he's in shock and looks at his phone blown up with a bunch of messages
C- oh sh*t I didn't notice I'm so sorry it was so late and I-
Y- hey it's ok but I think we should make a zoom so we can tell your parents and then after we can go live and tell the fans
C- ok we can do that
We make a zoom and get his family together and cleared up the air and we have to do now is the live which I'm extremely scared cause I'm already getting a lot more hate then I was before and i don't know how they are gonna be on live
C- you ready
Y- yeah
We tell the fans that they were just my rings I wear occasionally and I forgot to take them off beige bed cause I was really tired
Colby did talk to them about other stuff after he was done he needed the live
C- do you want to do anything specific
Y- I just wanna relax and stay home
C- okay we can do that I will order grub hub and you select a movie to watch
Y- yay okay
We mainly watched movies and did self care for the rest of the day which I really needed

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