Your not safe with me

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We stopped by the house and Colby grabbed something and hid it from me and wouldn't let me see what it was
C- no you can't see it you and artem have to open it together
Y- if you love me you will let me see it
C- mi amor don't do that to me
Y- fine let's go then
C- I love you
Y- I love you too
He gives me a kiss and opens the door for me and closes it he put whatever he's hiding from me in the trunk and gets in the car we head to Artems house We get down and ring the doorbell
N- omg hiii I'm so glad you guys came
Y- it's a pleasure to be here
N- come in side Matteo is asleep and artem is in the kitchen cooking
We go into the house
Y- does artem cook a lot
N- yes he does he loves cooking and is an amazing cook
I look at colby
Y- you should learn from artem
C- ouch my cooking is getting there
Y- I'm just kidding I barely even cook
We all laugh and head to the kitchen then the doorbell rings
N- that must be bri I'll be back
A- do you guys want anything to drink
Y- I'll just have a water
C- me too
We meet bri, Bryan and her kids we all hang out then bri and then left so it was just us Nikki, artem and Matteo

Y- oh my that hap-
The doorbell rings again
Y- are you expecting any guest or did bri come back
N- idk let me call her
She calls bri and they are in the car heading home
Y- I'll go answer the door Nikki and artem go to the room with Matteo
She looks at me confused and scared and goes to Matteo but artem stays
C- let me go with you
No Colby I don't want you hurt he wants me and he won't stop till he gets me I go to the room artem and Colby follow me I go out of the room block it with stuff they had in the hall way
C- y/n move the stuff please I can't lose you.... Babe please
Y- I love you colby
A-y/n he cares a lot for you open the door we can help
Y- I don't want others to get hurt
I walk away and I can hear them trying to get out
I open the door and are mike
M- missed me baby
I try to close the door but he puts his foot to block it from closing
J- you thought you would get away that easy
Y- josh please leave me alone
Mike pushed the door open and josh walks in while mike grabs me and pins me against the wall
M- I can't wait to have fun with you
J- ah ah ah not yet
Y- just take me leave them alone I don't need them hurt
J- whatever you say sis but I'm gonna let mike have his fun first I'll be in the car
He walks out and mikes attention turns toward me
He starts kissing me on my neck I try to get out of his grip but he's to strong
M- baby moan for daddy
Y- im not yours let go of me
M- not till your mine and you have my child
Y- im not getting pregnant by you I knee him in the balls
He lets go of me I run and he tackles me
M- I guess I can't take my time
He knocks me out and starts taking off my cloths he starts giving me hickeys all over my body he puts it in and starts thrusting I wake up
Y- get off me you creep
It hurt a lot and I was in tears I scream to my lungs
I bawl my eyes out and try to get out of his grip
M- fuck you so fucking tight I'm so close
There was a big clash and artem and Colby run out and tackle him off of me as they tackled him he started to you know
Nikki runs out of the room and gets me up and takes me to her room with Matteo she gives me clothes to Change
Y- you have to get Colby off mike he won't stop till he's dead
Nikki nods at me and gives me Matteo
N- artem get him off he won't stop till mike is dead
Artem pulls Colby off him
C- let go
He pushed Colby into the room mike lays conscious and got fucked up
C- mi amor please when I say I can't lose you let me help that's what I'm here for and I care about you a lot
Y- im sorry it's just I get others around me hurt
C- it's ok but are you okay
Y- he did it again but he actually you know and idk if it got in me and I don't want to have his baby if it did
C- it didn't I promise he started to you know once we tackled him
I just throw myself into Colby bawling my eyes out artem throws mike out and flips josh off And shuts the door
C- we are gonna go please don't stay here for tonight go stay at bri's house or rent a hotel
N- we will
Colby carries me to the car and we leave to the house
I fall asleep in Colby's car holding onto his arm and not letting go

C- babe wake up..... princessa.... Mi amor we are here
He starts kissing me gently all over my face
I wake up
Y- are we home
C- yes im sorry to wake you but you kinda didn't let go of my arm and I wasn't able to get out so I could carry you to the bed
Y- it's fine
We get out of the car Colby comes up from behind me and picks me up and Carrie's me to the room he puts me down in the bed
C- we don't have to try any time soon I want to give you time to recover and to think about it but mi amor I want you to have my kids I want to be the mother of my children
Y- I would be glad to Colby but don't you think it's a little early in our relationship for that
C- yeah your right
Y- hey just cause we won't have one now doesn't mean we're not gonna have one later so you don't have to get sad
C- I know but seeing how happy artem and Nikki are with Matteo and seeing you play with Matteo and holding him makes me want one and-
Y- babe I will let you know when I'm ready how about that I just want all this josh stuff to go away cause I don't want our child to be in danger or get hurt cause of me
C- ok fine that's true
Colby turns in the tv and turns the lights off we cuddle and I hold on to him right
C- are you okay
Y- yeah I'm just scared and I keep getting flashbacks every time I close me eyes
C- hey you don't have to be scared I'm here to protect you like I promised and mike won't be coming back anytime soon and Sam set up a security system and cameras I will be here with you when you fall asleep and till you wake up I promise and do you want me to get your melatonin
Y- can you please
C- of course
He gets up to get it from the bathroom I hear a sound from outside and jump
C- hey it's okay it's just the wind
He sits back on the bed and gives me a melatonin gummy he puts them in the nightstand and I go back to cuddling him and he holds me tight
C- I'll be here till you wake up goodnight mi amor I love you
Y- I love you too
He kisses my forehead I fall asleep and just like he promised he never left

If you guys can leave me some comments or suggestions that would be appreciated

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