Lights Out: Chapter 1

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"I can't believe I can finally walk these halls again and know my best friend is back!" Sabrina exclaimed. "This past year has been upsetting enough without being able to see you." Her excitement soon dwindled down and she started pouting.

Sabrina, my best friend, pouting in the main hallway of my old high school. The thought made my stomach do back flips.

I never thought I'd be back here after my dad practically packed us up and moved us all the way to the Sunshine State. I still couldn't stand most of the kids here, but I didn't have a care in the world. As long as I was far away from Florida, I was happy. 

"It's good to be back and all, but I just can't wait for it to all be over," I let out a sigh and closed my locker. "Then we have college."

"Calm down, Mal. You just came back to your old high school and you're already talking about moving to a new one," I couldn't help but laugh. High school isn't for me, but of course I need it for my road to success as my parents say. 

Sabrina clasped her hands together. "Before I forget, I can't give you a ride home today. I have art club." She smiled proudly. She should be proud. Her art skills were amazing. She was seriously talented.

"It's okay. I'll just walk home. I need to lose the weight anyway." I laughed at my statement and apparently she didn't find it as funny. The scolding look she wore on her face told me enough.

"Right, I'm sorry about that. As soon as I make it home, I'll eat everything I can find. Will that make you happy?" I cooed at her as if she was a child. 

She rolled her eyes and shoved me softly. "Fuck off, Malia." The bell rang, interrupting everyone's conversations as they rushed to classes. Sabrina was one of them.

"I can't be late!" She hurried down the hallway and briefly turned around to shoot me a small wave.

I waved back at her until she vanished from sight. I looked down at my schedule. It seemed like an easy enough day. I began walking to my first class of the day, Economics.

As I walked through the door of my Economics class, everyone turned and looked at me. I shot them all dirty looks before walking over to the teacher and handing her my schedule.

"Miss. Williams, what a pleasure it is to have you join us today," She smiled, clearly forced, at me before turning back to the class, "Everyone, this is Malia Williams."

"Mrs. Robinson, I used to go here. I know many people in this class." I hated having everyone's eyes on me and her having me stand up here wasn't helping that.

"Very well. Miss. Williams, if you'd please take your seat next to Mr. Bieber, I'll begin class." I looked around. Who the hell was that? Mrs. Robinson cleared her throat and directed me to a seat all the way in the back. I assume she sensed my confusion. "This will be your partner for the rest of the term."

"No fucking way. I'm not working with anyone. I don't even want to be here." Everyone's head snapped back to look at the brunette haired boy. He was too focused texting away on his phone to even notice, let alone care.

There's no way I would be partners with him. I actually care about school and wanted to pass. All the thoughts about college came rushing to my head and I realized working with him would be even worse than I thought.

"Miss. Williams, please sit down and ignore Justin." I took my seat next to him. Ignore him? The guy was beyond gorgeous, even if he did have the worst attitude I've ever come across.

The entire time I sat next to him, I felt like I had to hold my breath. I was worried the slightest thing would set him off and he'd scream it out loud for everyone to hear. It was my first day back. I wanted the attention on me to be as minimal as possible.

When the bell rang, he was the first out. We all followed him out through the door and made our way to our next class. I had a few more classes with Mr. Bieber. I didn't have the displeasure of sitting next to him in any, though.

The last bell of the day rung and I have never been so relieved. Well, I was relieved until I walked outside and realized it was raining. I have to walk home in the rain. Isn't this beautiful? I began cursing Sabrina in my head. A hell of a day to have art club.

As I began my walk, I glared at every car that passed by. Of course my parents thought I shouldn't have a car of my own. They'd probably think I'd drive it off a cliff.

A truck began slowing down next to me and my mind told me to run like hell, but my body just kept at the same pace.

It looked like it cost a lot of money. No shit, Malia. A Mercedes clearly costs a shit ton of money. The window of the car rolled down and I'm greeted once again by Mr. Bieber. How much money did this kids parents make to afford a car like this?

"You seem pretty wet." He chuckled at his remark. I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I didn't think it was obvious." I rolled my eyes at him. I began to walk again, but every time I'd walk, he'd just slowly follow behind.

"How about I give you a ride?" Is my hearing working correctly? Did the guy that barely wanted to sit next to me in Economics want to give me a ride home? I knew it was a bad idea, but I was weighing my options. Walk in the rain or take the ride? Decisions, decisions. I'd be stupid to not take the ride.

I walked around to the passenger's seat and climbed in.

I buckled up my seatbelt and looked over at him. He had a smirked plastered across his face. "Haven't your parents ever told you not to get into cars with strangers?" And with that, he sped off.

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