Chapter 67 Growth Of A Follower Spirit

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Chrome proceeded further into the hole, going deeper and deeper. Syrup walked by his side, matching his steps.

“Guess I might as well check deeper. It’s not like it matters if I die.”

Chrome focused his attention towards the surrounding walls. The hole itself was in terrible shape, on the brink of crumbling to pieces. All the more evidence that it hadn’t been formed through human interference.

“We’re under a tomb. You think there might be undead?”

Chrome, at the very least, expected as much. His predictions were proven to be remarkably on point as he ventured a bit further, as the very instant he moved to enter a new area a group of skeletons began to crawl out of the earth. They wielded a wide array of battered lances and old, rusty swords, none of them giving the impression that they were particularly powerful. They utilised a common strategy that saw constant use by the monstrous riff-raff; overwhelming the enemy and dulling their responsive faculties.

Syrup assisted Chrome against the onslaught, noticeably lightening his burden, and Chrome finally managed to cull the skeletons down to their last numbers.

“Would you look at that, Syrup? Your level went up.”

Chrome offered Syrup a potion meant to countermeasure the loss of HP, and took the chance to look over what new skills his companion had acquired.

“So you learned Cover, huh? Looks pretty similar to the Great Shield skill.”

Maple was usually averse to the idea of involving Syrup in battle, which, in turn, hadn’t resulted in much opportunity that would contribute to a higher level. Acting in tandem with Chrome, however, had made it all the more simple to do just that. By the time Syrup went back under Maple’s care, the latter would undoubtedly bear witness to a whole new slew of skills, and the former would be much stronger than before.

“You know, I do owe her one for letting me take you along. Might as well level you up.”

Chrome, now completely devoted to Syrup’s support, went even further down the path. He allowed Syrup to land the final blow on whatever monsters came to block their path, and gradually, the creature began to evolve its capabilities even further.

“Hm? Did you get another one?”

Once the two had gone through a good number of encounters, Chrome decided to inspect Syrup and found that it had gained two more skills.

Mother Nature: Gives the power to raise the earth and allow vines and shrubbery to sprout. Can be used as both offence and defence.

Spirit Cannon: Can only be utilised when enlarged. Ranged attack. Fires straight ahead.

“Who knows, you might even be stronger than me now. Oh, boy… What I wouldn’t do to have a partner of my own.”

They moved on, encountering even more foes along the way until Chrome finally reached the furthest, deepest area. He was met with an enormous gate, one that likely served as the entrance to some boss room.

“The dungeon took a while to get through, but the monsters haven’t been worth talking about so far… Can we do this?”

Chrome, having come to the conclusion that he wasn’t dealing with some incredibly taxing high-difficulty dungeon, entered the room. He noted that it was rather large, just the right size to contain Syrup’s form upon turning into a giant.

Chrome and Syrup had barely set a foot into the room when a skeletal pile at its very end began rising at a sluggish pace. It was quite different from the skeletons they had encountered thus far. The ornamented armour it wore and the longsword it wielded had, though splendid and extravagant, clearly succumbed to the wear of time. A pair of blue-white flames, almost akin to wandering human souls, glowed brightly in sockets that should have been void of anything.

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