Chapter 91 The Fourth Event

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When the light faded, what the eight of them saw was a shiny green orb on top of a pedestal. They immediately knew that this was to be their base.

It was a wide room with three hallways leading out.

Sally and Kasumi quickly went towards the two paths behind the pedestal. They returned after a little exploring.

“This one was a dead end with some water. We could rest there.”

“There was nothing through this one. Well, you might be able to lie down.”

“Does that mean the remaining one will take us to the surface? This place will be easy to protect then.”

If there was only one way in, they wouldn’t have to worry about being ambushed.

“Okay, then we’ll go out to attack.”

“Alright, we’ll move as planned.”

As if not wanting to waste any time, the attack team trio flew out of the home base.

The remaining members put on the robes that Izu had given them. Izu put her on hers as well, and they all sat down.

This material didn’t have any defensive properties, its only purpose was to hide them.

Of course, this would be very effective on any unlucky players who came from afar and did not realize that Maple was here.

Maple was a symbol of danger, after all.

It would be easier for them to attack an enemy if they didn’t expect such a danger.

“We’ll have Yui and Mai kill anyone who comes.”

“Yeah. For now, let’s just wait for those three to come back with an orb.”

The five of them watched the entrance as they waited, so as to not deplete any of their energy.

“If we do see an enemy, it’s alright to kill them without asking any questions, right?”

“Yes, that’s fine… Let’s do a little exploration first. We’ll start by eliminating any danger that is close by.”

Sally said as they made their way into the forest. Then she heard the voices other players.

“I’ll go and beat them up a little and lead them back here.”


“We’ll be waiting in the bushes here.”

Everyone waited in position as Sally skillfully jumped onto the branches of the trees, and headed for where the voices were coming from.

The voices that Sally heard were coming from a group of five. They too had come out looking for orbs and had lost no time in leaving their home base.

“I think there should at least be one nearby…”

“It’s fine. Let’s not rush this.”

They said as they walked. It was just as the last person in the group had passed the tree that she was in.

Sally’s legs wrapped around the branches as she swung upside down and showed herself. And in one quick motion, used her daggers to cut the person’s throat.


Sally’s merciless attacks continued.

Bofuri - ( I don't want to get hurt so i'll maxed my defence. ) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum