Chapter 53 Sighting Information

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One day after the event is over.
The usual people gathered at the BB. [TN: BB means Bulletin Board for anyone that do not know]

542 Name: Anonymous shield user
>Finally the event ended.
There’s a ton to talk about (TN: Thank to HAJIKO for his sugestion)

543 Name: Anonymous Largesword user
>At last it was finished.
That was long

544 Name: Anonymous Spear user
>It was only two hours in RL. [TN: Has been changed thank for the advice]
It’s a strange feeling.
545 Name: Anonymous shield user
>Da yo na – (TN: I leave this line to your imagination, but i want to know the romaji japan or english better)

546 Name: Anonymous Largesword user
>Does anyone have ten medals?
I can’t get it.

547 Name: Anonymous wizard
Dungeon was pretty cool
how should I put it, seven days of exploring is pretty tiresome

548 Name: Anonymous Spear user

549 Name: Anonymous Largesword user
>I climbed the highest mountain but when I got there, there was nothing.

550 Name: Anonymous Shield user
>Say, is the top of that mountain a circular mountain?
Was there a shrine?

551 Name: Anonymous Largesword user
>It’s indeed circural
Do you know something?

552 Name: Anonymous Spear user
>I don’t mind hearing about it
553 Name: Anonymous wizard
>I want to hear about it

554 Name: Anonymous Shield user

>Yoshi. It’ll be a bit longer but I’ll explain , I also climbed that mountain
So there was a magic circle in front of the shrine at the summit

Then I used the magic circle and got transferred to a place with huge bird-shaped monsters and got a beating.
As I was knock out tanks last Merely to be defeat crushingly (TN: not sure about this one so i make it as logical as possible but i apreciating a help so here the rawそれに乗って転移した先ででかい鳥型モンスターにボコボコにされた
完膚なきまでに叩き潰されたんだ) (PR: I don’t understand this one)
The other party members died being hit by just one of the ice gravels that filled their field of vision. 
Seriously the firepower was absurd.

So when you arrive at the summit and there was nothing, that meant that someone had defeated it already.

555 Name: Anonymous Largesword user
>Wha ..?
That unreasonable.
If the enemy’s HP is 1 or so, then maybe … you know
556 Name: Anonymous Spear user
>Who can endure it if it is impossible for chrome …
No, There is one.

557 Name: Anonymous wizard
>Am I the only one who thinks about it?

558 Name: Anonymous user Shield
>The story has not ended yet
At that time there was another party at the summit.

It was Maple and her friends, if i am not wrong the player name should be Sally

Sally-chan is a cute girl with the whole body of blue equipment

So, if the magic circle was gone
There a high posibility the two captured it .
I guess they are going after us.

559 Name: Anonymous Largesword user
>Oh it may have been the two of them  that knockedit down .
Did maple kill the boss
Or that Sally? Is she the same type beginer as maple?
Which is it? (TN: if i remember correct someone told me like this )

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