The Void

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A/N: so-heyyy I-it's been a while...Gomen (◞_◟) so this is a warning-there are depressing themes ahead. And no gore but someone will die. So be warned. Luv y'all

"Yeah. I'm on my way to their house now. I'll probably be back at the office around 1 pm. Got it. Bye."

I hung up, focusing on the road.

Hmm 10 more minuets huh...

A small box of chocolates sat on the passenger seat next to an unmade puzzle.

Gifts for my parents.

Chill music filtered softly through the speaker as I drove quietly.

The scenery had long ago faded to a more rural one.

I sighed, sniffing the air being filtered through the ac.

Istg why does it always smell so...weird.

Grunting, I rolled down my window, and turned off the ac.

Taking in a big breath, I savored the warm and fresh air filling my lungs.

Soon enough I was pulling into a driveway, the garage open, already storing two cars. I parked mine in the driveway, not intending to stay too long.

I got out of the car, a bounce in my steps.

Hurrying up the few stairs that rested in front of the patio, I rang the doorbell, a calm chime sounding through the house.

Footsteps were heard, the door swinging open to reveal a middle aged woman, her hair in a low-bun. "Mom!" Her dress swayed as the tackled me in a crushing hug. Many learned the hard way not to underestimate her strength.

"Mirya! You're here. And just in time for brunch." She smiled pulling away, "come in come in. You're father is waiting. The man got up at the crack of dawn to get everything ready." I chuckled at what was probably not exaggeration.

"It's good to see you mom, I see you've grown olde-ouchhh" I held the ear she twisted a second ago, and followed her into the dining room. I chuckled as she sat me onto a chair, My dad seated in front of me.

"Hey Dad! Wow these all look fabulous as always!" I gestured to the beautiful spread of food on the table. His expression could be described as pure joy, but he remained quiet, a small 'hm' was all that came out of him. I brought out the small gifts I got and gave mom  her puzzle and Dad his chocolate.

As we all settled down, I spoke, "So how is Kena?" I asked referring to their pet bird.

"Oh, as energetic as always. Can't get her to settle down. How's work by the way, anything new?" Mom spoke as Dad quietly listened. He'd never been good with words.

Small talk about the past week's happenings helped time fly faster, the mood light and warm. And about an hour and a half later, I was out the door, waving to my parents and getting into my car.


Entering my work building, I greeted my coworkers, making a beeline for my studio.

Too many ideas and not enough time.

Humming a small tune, I focused on designing the next line of clothes, buried in piles of paper and fabric as always.

No breaks. The deadline is tomorrow so I have to rush it. Fighting, Me!

As I was finishing up the last one a few hours later, a knock was heard from the door.


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