Quarter Finals [Male Entries]

Start from the beginning

"You alright?"

"Yeah. Thanks. I'm just going to make sure I stay sane for the rest of this - can't have your only teammate in my state, can you?"

Cole shrugs. "And how are you going to do that?"

"I'm getting another fucking drink."

Murphy Nixon

Everything around me was blurred. Drew, Alex and Rose, they were nothing right now, but it didn't matter- because my best friend wasn't talking to me. She was all I had here in this hell. This hell where they created dreams that were reality.

My stomach still ached with dull pain, and since my dream, I hadn't made a move. Nobody cared though. And nobody ever would. Especially now that Rose was angry at me. I had no idea why; she just was. And it hurt. I don't know what I'd do with myself if Rose died. Last night, Tove died. I don't know why, or how, I just knew the group was probably as depressed as I was. She was an amazing girl from what I knew of her. Sure she gripped her head, and that was strange, but still... Tove; she wasn't my friend, but nor was she my enemy, and it was sad. She was just gone. No longer in existence. Why did such bad things have to happen to good people?

I felt a slight nudge on my shoulder, and for the first time since my dream, I snapped my head away from the wall. It was Rose. Her turquoise eyes stared at me and her dark hair was out, little bits frizzing at places from not having been done in a while. Her face was smeared with little splotches of dirt, but she was alive, and that's all that mattered.

"I'm so sorry Murphy," she spoke, and I think she continued to speak longer but I missed it as her lips were moving too fast.

"Rose," I croaked. I smacked away tears from my face, suddenly remembering that I had been crying for a little while. Rose's arms suddenly curled around me and she lent her head on my shoulder. I never knew what she replied, or if she replied at all, but I didn't care. Right now, knowing she had forgiven me, that was enough.

Suddenly, she pulled away. "Murphy, your stomach," I read from her lips, and I could almost imagine her voice cracking in heartbreak. I knew she was upset over the death of Tove, but you know who took it the hardest? Drew. He tried to act like he was all okay, but between my distance and seeing them all from the corner of my eye, I could just tell he wasn't okay. In his eyes, he was now here with a bunch of crazies. 

"I'm fine," I signed to her, watching from the corner of my eye as Drew and Alex walked towards us.

"There goes their crazy talk," I read from Drew's lips. I rolled my eyes.

"Well we're going to the food court. You two coming, or is satin and vampire going to have kissy kissy?" I read from Drew's lips, and I imagined him saying it in a nonchalant voice. I nodded my head, forcing myself up from my position. I hid my wound with the majority of my arm. I couldn't let them see it. Rose had already picked it up.

I trailed behind as we all walked to the food court, and I was surprised to see that there were loads of food, and all the people still alive were crowded around. The next thing I knew, I was being dragged away by Drew, and over towards Cole and Richard who stood on one side. Then the remaining people including Rose and Alex were situated on the opposite side. 

Writer Games: Mall MayhemWhere stories live. Discover now